Still driving on, second to none

Mar 24, 2009 12:35

Did anyone get the number of that Orc?

We were filming again at the weekend. After an interesting Journey to site inolving a diversion bringing us almost back into Leicester and overshooting our turning on the A14 by more than 20 miles we ended up pitching tents after midnight.

I shall say this once and only once, it was -5 at six in the morning when we were woken to get to make up.

Once again I is Ranger* - and even better because the scenes filmed at the start of the month happen after the village scenes we are filming I have script immunity! Excellent Smithers.

Saturday was mostly a case of getting the principles scenes knocked out while the fighting Ranger extras played amongst ourselves in prepration for our fights and of course we talked. Turns out a guy I was fighting knew a number of the EXILES and I had mutual acquaintances with another fighter from Nottingham.

Only black spot on the day was when rehearsing a bodyslam with one of the Orcs (I *may* develop a fetish for Rugby playing girls before the end of filming) I went down awkwardly and snapped my scabbard.

As it dusk fell we wrapped for the night and made a move for the camp. Even though we hadn't really done anything I was so exhausted I crashed at 11.

Sunday started well, for a start we (or at least the Rangers) had a lay in until 8am, secondly it was comparitively warm so I was happy as a sand boy, in sand.

With most of the principle characters already in the can for the weekend background fighting got cracked on with. My morning started with chasing an Orc (Syb) into the open and mullering it. Over and over again while they were trying to get the result they were looking for in the foreground action. It should be mentioned that there is an awful lot of sand in the soil of the set and Syb was getting a mouthful everytime she went down. Eventually I suggested sprinkling sugar on the patch she was hitting to make it more palatable. Fortunatly she has a sense of humor.

I got more screen time brutalising an Orc in a toe to toe no weapons kind of way which did result in me cutting my hand up on his armour but it felt like it looked good so I didn't mind.

There is a lot of hanging around on sets waiting for your next screen time so I ended up eating, chatting to people and trying to make myself useful fanning smoke, doing 10 second cutaways in front of the camera and getting bodychecked by Sam.

Later afternoon saw me in front of the camera again (kind of) and getting slammed into the floor by Orc Sam. All the rehersals upto this point we had run through slowly so the first time we ran through at full speed I hit the ground so quickly that I was stunned and missed my cue to rise again.

Next time I say someone hits like a girl remind me of this.

This action takes place behind another Ranger whose fight wasn't flowing well on camera, so down I went, down I went and down I went again. After what felt like a dogs age of picking sand out of my teeth syb turns round and suggests put some sugar in it. I guess that would be Karma in action. :))

All in all a good weekend, and even better I am needed as a Ranger for the next weekend of filming! Hurrah! I just wish it didn't feel like I'd been pummeled with a steak tenderiser.

* If the cast and crews personal pictures are ever collected together then you expect a site of lol-orcs (I can has Ranger?)
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