(no subject)

Jul 21, 2012 01:18

I have always taken pride in the fact I am a Colorado native but right now I feel... ashamed & mortified.
There have been a few occurances that changed Colorado forever. I had all day to think about the things that have been happening to my homeland & I can only express in mere words that can be explained in terms of fathomed disbelief, utter confusion, & a burden onto my heart.

As all of you know, there was a shooting in Aurora at a movie theatre during a midnight screening of the latest Batman movie. I live approximately 20 minutes from where the crime scene took place. All day I read/watched stories on the news, talked with friends, & was left to my own thoughts. How could someone be so heartless? These people innocently wanted to watch a movie for enjoyment, unknowingly that their destiny would end in death or pain! I also read stories about my friends who actually lost a friend, relative, or coworker to this tragedy.

Too many things have been happening to Colorado lately; wildfires, a dental surgeon who was recenty caught with the possibility of exposing 8,000 patients with HIV from using the same needles, & a massacre. What is going on? Are we being punished?

I don't know what else to say but for sure, this has gotten to me. Rather than writing in this blog with irrational thoughts, I thought I would share my Facebook & Twitter updates (in no particular order):
  • "wtf, first thing i wake up to is this- 12 killed & 38 people wounded at a movie theatre. president obama is calling this a 'colorado massacre'".
  • "as an avid fan of batman, it will never be the same again. thoughts & prayers go out to the victims of this tragedy".
  • "no offense but who would bring their 3 mos old infant to a 3 hour movie at midnight?!"
  • "i have a lot of batman shirts. i wore one of them to the pool this morning w/o realizing it. no wonder i got mean stares from bystanders."
  • "WTF @danieltosh It's Sad we have a @theatershooting on the release of #darkknight, but why couldnt he at least did this shit to #magicmike?"
  • "rest in peace, @jessicaredfield."
  • "its time for the FBI & CIA to change their criminal profiling. even a Ph.D student with no criminal record could be a cruel murderer."
  • "firearms are not responsible for the #theatershooting. an evil heart was, and someone with an evil heart will find a way to be a monster."

This article sent chills down my spine. http://m.naturalnews.com/news/036536_James_Holmes_shooting_false_flag.html

Good night.

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