Title: Nine In The Afternoon
yamikakyuuCharacters: Watanuki and Doumeki
Disclaimer: Owned by CLAMP
Request from:
sapphire_18 Prompt: Watanuki's cooking
"Stop following me!" Watanuki yelled over his shoulder to Doumeki who as usual remained silent. Watanuki glared at him. "Why must you always be around when Himawari-chan and I are meeting?"
"Did you make bento?" Doumeki asked.
"Yes!" Watanuki exclaimed proudly. "Makunouchi, I hope she likes it."
Doumeki rolled his eyes as Watanuki got that starry-love struck look on his face. "I'd rather have Datemaki.” he added nonchalantly.
"Are you serious!" Watanuki screeched stopping in his tracks to finally face Doumeki. "It's not even close to the New Year! Why would I make that now?"
Doumeki stared at Watanuki for a second. "When you made it over past New Year it was good."
Watanuki looked away quickly. You must decide how you approach Doumeki. Yuuko's words rang in his head.
"Well, I'm glad you liked it." he muttered. "But that doesn't mean I'll be making anytime soon. I'll just remember to make it again come New Years."
Doumeki nodded and Watanuki thought he saw a brief smile as they continued to the park.
Author's Notes yeah so I joined
31_days not too long ago to help with prompt ideas and when I saw the prompt for today I had to use it, "Nine In The Afternoon" is a great song by Panic! At The Disco so when I saw it being used I knew I had to write something for it. Not sure how I decided on Holic but I killed two birds with one stone since I finally got to sapphi's req with it. Dunno how I did at the characterization of the two guys since Ive never attempted Holic before. Also mad props to wikipedia for help in the Bento department XD 3 req down 1 to go...
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