Title: One Night In Bangkok
yamikakyuu Characters: TYL!Hibari and TYL!Chrome (1896)
Warnings: Ummm implied sex, Hibari pleases Chrome, TYL based storyline but takes place whenever that arcs ends and things go back to normal. Also...I have NEVER written something like this before...only implied smut, never implied sex sooooo...umm....be kind :3
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*cough* Anyway. I need to read it again since I was like =D~~~~~o throughout the ride (I couldn't even finish my persimmon ////) so I'm going to tell you later what I think of the basic idea/premise. I have to say, though, that for implicative smut that you agonised so much over, this turned out pretty good!
A bit of nitpicking, if I may XD:
- I believe the order of her name is Chrome first and then Dokuro instead of the usual Japanese order? Because Chrome is obviously not a Japanese name.
- "Course" XDDDDDDD. But then it's something of a trademark I guess.
- I seriously thought they were in Bangkok *headdesk*. That would've been... exotic. You know, warm sticky nights. And, uh, exotic flowers...
- How on earth did my Versace pic inspire you to write full-blown pron? o__O
You know what's strange? I actually imagined seki_yumizu's TYL!Chrome while reading this. Hers is more voluptuous and grown-up-looking than mine x__x.
*goes to save so she can reread this during 10-hour Singapore transit tomorrow T____T*
also your icon...that pic inspired this fict mostly.
- I believe the order of her name is Chrome first and then Dokuro instead of the usual Japanese order? Because Chrome is obviously not a Japanese name.
That I actually know but I still have a hard time reversing her name XD Ill remember for the next time since I want to be accurate and just keep my weird little name quirks to myself ^^;;
- "Course" XDDDDDDD. But then it's something of a trademark I guess.
...I still dont get this XD But hey I have a trademark! Edit: ermmm nevermind I see now ~head desk~ XD I so fail at proper engligh XD
- I seriously thought they were in Bangkok *headdesk*. That would've been... exotic. You know, warm sticky nights. And, uh, exotic flowers...
Hey you know, then they can be! I dont give an specific for where they are so let your imagination go!! 8D
- How on earth did my Versace pic inspire you to write full-blown pron? o__O
.....not that pic there boss, the other 1896 pic you did TYL!Chrome/young!hibari...remember we talked about him wanting revenge after what she did XD The Versace pic helped though but this was based really on the other pic.
Oooh I havent seen Seki's TYL!Chrome yet, gonna have to chk it out.
Hai, hai Ill start working on part two soon 8D
Question? I wonder where Chrome lives in the context of this fic... I mean, Hibari just shows up at her door right where her bed is. If it's not an apartment unit it's gotta be the HQ? o___o Also... I hope the door closed itself after he barged in XDDDD.
Im not sure XD Again I left details like that to the readers imagination. Yes Hibari closed the door XD
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