So... because I'm a total klutz, I accidentally ruined my trusty old camera. ;____; The bad news is, it cost too much to repair to be worth fixing, but the good news is that I have a new camera now~
She looked kinda funny with Anne's eyemech and her own wig, so I braided my ratty Uncan wig and put it on her. Much better!
The reason why Anne suddenly looks so different: I bought green/clear Coolcat chips to test out how they'd look on her. I ended up not liking them, but I figured since I'd opened up her head once already, I'd play around with her look a bit. I never, NEVER thought I'd EVER open my baby's head, but lol, here I am doing just that. I didn't have the guts to actually cut her chips out, though, as you can see.
As per usual, most of my pics of Boku end up being closeups of her face.
Sorry, balcony pics again. My room doesn't get very good light, plus it's too messy to photograph in anyway, heh.
And I almost completely forgot about these, but a few pics I took with my roommate's camera last week:
Baochai is wearing a Latte wig backwards, which suits her very well from the front and looks absolutely ridiculous from the back.
I like how the color brings out her personality (it was hard to tell when she had that light purple birds' nest, but Baochai is probably the most mature of my dolls), so maybe I'll be able to find her a bang/fringeless brown wig in a similar shade...
Such a pretty face.
Anne with the same Blythe chips and her own wig.
I'm trying to decide who to bring with me to Vegas... last time, I brought ViVi (she just seems like a Vegas kind of girl, hahaha), but I ended up not having enough time or energy to take the kind of touristy shots I wanted to. I'm wondering if I should bring her again or someone else (Anne, Sano, and Koki'o are out of the equation because I brought them home)...