I won't be able to post pictures for a little while longer (and I seriously doubt I'll have time, since I have midterms this week), so I kind of binged on the photo-taking this weekend.
A lot of this first set are very heavily edited in an attempt to salvage them (horrible lighting).
The dark side promised cookies, so Anne tried it out.
This is much closer to the wigs color irl, but it's still a smidge more purply than that. So it looks cuter on her in person than in pictures (or maybe I'm just a fiend for purple.)
My new Pokeyman, a Pachirisu. I considered naming it Bart, but the darn thing won't tell me for sure if it's a boy or a girl, so it's Giggles now~
I love throwing colors on/around her. I figure she's pretty over-the-top already, so saturating her with bright colors is okay.
She totally fell, from a height of 5ft-ish, but luckily some plants below broke her fall before she hit the floor. I'm so clumsy...
Shirochan times two. :)