Hopefully my girls will arrive soon! Shana said that Souseiseki would be shipped out today, so hopefully she'll arrive by Saturday? And my check for Latte was mailed out on Monday, so ideally it'll arrive in Texas tomorrow or the day after, and I can get her on Monday-ish, maybe. I'm expecting Stica's stock, too. HOLY CRAP so much dolly spending, with no end in sight (since I preordered Kanaria and HasH).
That paragraph originally had sooo many "hopefully"s in it. I had to edit them out. But seriously, Souseiseki arriving would be a perfect end to a crap week. (Well, this week wasn't that crap, but having to drop a class I was about to bomb totally ruined everything else.)
I'm glad I got Latte when I did. xx; Her price is starting to go up. The prices for her on eBay are really surprising to me! I knew Greggia was in danger of getting expensive, but up until now I'd blithely assumed that Latte just wasn't that popular. I guess I didn't make too much of a mistake in snapping her up. ^~
I colored Sanosuke's lips yesterday... they didn't come out that great, but look fine in pictures. So I'll wait before I try to re-do 'em.
He doesn't mind running around shirtless, so... *shrug* who am I to stop him?