Jan 23, 2010 22:03
i'm very tired now. i just come back from kemaman. went an assessment course for PTN, second test after i sat the test almost about 2 month ago. i'm very fun and enjoyed joining the course, although it's really tiring activity. can u imagine activity that should be done for 3 days became for only one day? but i really got many experience and friends there. i felt how lucky i am, get this opportunity among 300 people from 2800. ok, that's enough already.
now, i can start to concentrate looking for kanjani8 show @ program. they did many things last year, i didn't get much time to catch up all their program. and here, the main reason for me to create this LJ, as i wanted to download, keep and watch my boys. most of the clips are friend lock, that's why i ended up with this LJ :) furthermore, i can have many friends who are same interested with me. well, hope comes true soon.