First lets start off with the major happenings of today..
o1. I've come into some money, as my tax return has FINALLY come in...sadly I have to put most of it towards tuition. I keep mentioning the idea of just not graduating college...but most people aren't too keen on it XD! Oh well I'm always thinking of ways to save money, so I'm sure another scheme will come!
o2. Been working on the ol'
website as always. But I seem to have run into a little
difficulty. Yeah, as you can see, my dummy text has ran completely off the page, and it's staying, all nice and neat like in my little textbox. I'm guessing I have to use some kind of CSS coding to make the textbox scrollable. I hope I'm right(and to any of you more website savy people, PLEASE let me know if there's something I'm missing, or there's an easier fix to this D:!). As soon as I get this fix, I can apply this little layout to the
blog and the
guestbook. I'm thinking of taking a little break from the site work as it's all I've been doing during my free time. Should go and draw something(can't have an art portfolio with out any drawings! Hmmm maybe I should go ink some of the half decent sketches over at
o3. Been playing with my new
psp! Never thought I would say this of a game console: It's so feminine XD! But really...who up and decides to make a pink psp XD?
And now for the rant...for anyone new to this journal, I have a tendency towards ranting about mostly random and silly things, so check the "sillyness" tag, for a good laugh.
Okay, how many people here like math as a subject? Let's see some hands...oh wait, I can't see you all. Okay, how about people post about their love hate relationship with math. For me, personally, there's a few things I like(such as algebra and trigonometry <3) and a few things, I in particular...and that thing is the evil of
COMPLEX NUMBERS! Especially the
imaginary unit! For anyone who is too lazy to read those articles(their long, I know!), let me try and explain this as best as possible with an example. Alright, what's the square root of the number 9? Automatically, everyone should say 3(if you don't...we have a problem o_o!)! Now here's a tricky question, what's the square root of negative 9? Now if you're smart, you should say, "Leah you nubcake, you can't have a square root for a negative number!", now if only it could be that simple...but oh no! Some idiot had to up and say "DURR HURR HURR I'MMA MAEK AN ANSWER FOR A NEGATIVE NUMBAH! DURRRRR!" and now, enter the imaginary unit "i". First of all, am I the only one whose eyebrow quirks at the word "imaginary"? Like the the world of math, we want our answers to be solid right? SO WHY THE HELL DO WE NEED IMAGINARY NUMBERS?!?! And another thing, since the number is imaginary...why was there a whole unit dedicated to it in my grade 12 calculus class? What kind of sadistic person or group would sit down and write 3 chapters about numbers that don't exist? To me, learning about imaginary...anything is as useful as learning about Pamela Anderson's breasts. They both aren't real.
Now I've always been told that the things I've learned(and continue to learn) in my school career are supposed to prepare me for life in the working and general world. Now to say that math has no use would be silly, so let's look at the math basics shall we?
Addition/Subtraction: I'm always counting and taking stuff away, for example, I need to go back to the gym to subtract the extra pounds from being house bound in the winter >_>;;..
Multiplication: A personal favourite and VERY important in my current part time job. For you see, for every hour that I work, I'm paid at a rate of $9.10 an if I work, 10 hours, I'd make 91 bucks(but Walmart is too cheap to let me work 10 hours -____-!)
Algebra: Who needs numbers, letters are better! It is my theory that algebra was invented as a way to appeal to the writers :P!
Trigonometry: Who doesn't love triangles? Might as well measure them!
Imaginary numbers: ...I have yet to be in a situation were I've needed to use these. Like no one has come up to me and said "Can you loan me 3i bucks?", "Excuse me miss, do you have any shoes in size 12i?", "I've been drawing for 19i years!". Nope, never had that happen, and I can't say it's very often that I need to calculate negative roots, I'm almost tempted to call everything calculus related useless, but I'm certain Calculus must be good for something...if only to make students learn weird things
Now if the whole negative square root wasn't just plain odd, the whole idea of a square root is just screwy! Why do we need square roots for any number? Like when we measure things, we don't find their roots, so far the only thing root related that is sort of important, is measuring the volumes of spheres and cones...but when I'm eating an ice cream cone, I could care less about the volume and more about enjoying that delicious scoop of vanilla or hell with volunme! And here's another thing, since we're on the subject of imaginary numbers and all, why not have just one imaginary subject? Yeah, a subject that encompasses math, english...hell let's make the written language netspeak, a little geography, and history. Yeah I can see it now, the text books will be written in 1337, homework will involve chat sessions on MSN and final projects will consist of designing the ugliest myspace page.
No point in just stopping at imaginary numbers in math, might as well go all out! Have a unit on UFO sightings and the latest gossip in the tabloids! Gym classes could be revamped as well, half the class could have pokemon tournamets via DS lite connections and the other half could have fun online playing Halo and Mass Effect. Then at the end of the class, all the students will have to vote on who was pwned the worse during the tourney. Also to add to my idea imaginary class, why not have some rewrite the english language? Like I feel that "gooder" is a real word, yet everyone says it's imaginary. Since we have to study imaginary numbers, we need imaginary words as well, therefor, "gooder", "gotten", "roundish", "sluttastic", "ten-tative", "lary-and" "cunni-lingual-us" "fellatiation" and a sting of other words, born from my mispronounciation of exisiting words and lazyness are actually real words! But for the time being, these words will be considered imaginary, to go with those numbers! Did I forget to mention that "hyperboles" are a type of graph? Yes, now there is a litterary term, and my term doesn't exist, but nether do those numbers, they have the word imaginary in their damn name! So hopefully, I've shown how rediculous these things are, so I think we all need to band together and demand that no child will have to learn this utter crap! Like there is no way in hell I would have taken my calculus course last semester, if I had to study about the imaginary unit, for it has no use in the real world. It almost makes me wonder if people come up with ways to make school life hell...but hopefully someone found my little rambling a little funny. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go and learn the meanings and pronounciations of the words I've mentioned. For I do not like sounding like an idiot, and my future married life will be a problem if I cannot communicate my conjugal needs well...
give Kakumei-tenjou more *HUGS* Get hugs of your own