1. Last Wednesday night I heard this ollllld song from the guy who made the theme song in the movie Authur and something in my brain told me to download it. After adding it to my iPod , I proceeded to listen to the song...for the following 48 hours. I all I have to say is damn you for your song that clicked with me and damn Michael MacDonald for the vocals and singing like some huge black fella but I guess that is why there is such a thing as 'blue-eyed soul' music :D. And
here are the lyrics that have been permanently burned into my brain...and I've got such a long way to goooo....gawd dammit -_-!
2. I've been listening to this internet radio show about conspiracy theories and the host of the show always claims to have had every imaginable abduction experience. The best one was where someone called in claiming that the aliens were coming for him at the same time every night and they forced him to learn their language and have sex with the alien ladies O_o!
3. I got a few of my christmas presents early , some include: a new office chair for the computer , this chair is like the chair of God , I could really sleep in it :3! Some jewelry and a nice tracksuit with sequins incase I'm somewhere where I need to sparkle :P!
4. My iPod has 117 songs out of it's 1000 capacity! I will make it to 200 or my name isn't Betty Crocker...wait it's Leah Francis :O!
5. Santa was really nice to me this year academically I got my final grades for the 3 courses I took and it looked something like this:
The first one is course about ethics and the digital age( like whether or not it's wrong to download stuff). I got an A in this course because my ethical standards are supreme to others despite the fact I download music and whole movies and will sometimes use serial number generators for programs like openCanvas :P...but I think the fact that I worked my a$$ off and studied like crazy helped too. I got my second A in this course that teaches you how to write memos , emails and reports in a professional way. I got an A in this one because the professionalness of my professional writing was impressive and I could practically teach the class...or maybe it was because I worked like a mad woman and got a lot of perfect marks on assignments and emailed my professor every day 'Miss how do I write a report about eating a regular lunch?'. And lastly there's english , this is the same english where I befrended the pastery offering , finger biting , always smiling at me , serbian fella. Mom thinks I should ask him out for coffee , but I can't do that because I am rediciously shy and he'll get ideas annnnd boys have to ask out the girl first because these are the rules*plays hard to get* just like it is part of the rules that you don't wear white pants after labour day and all sexual activity sessions are to be started by the men...
Him: Kiss me :3!
Me: No D:!
Him: Why not :O?
Me: You have to kiss me first , it's the rules!
Him: Alright just this once break a rule it will be fun :D!
Me: Kiss me dammit or I'm going home!!!
Him: First of all this is our honeymoon and you live with me remember :P?
Me: Fine then I'll move back in with my mother *puts back on her wedding dress , grabs her suitcases and walks off*
I got a B in english because english is satan and I hate sujects where you can look it things with multiple interpretations. "Why did Mrs. Smith kill the mail man?" Well perhaps the murder was actually a symbol of Mrs. Smith's repressed anger at her cousin who gave her a bad hair do and...no she killed the guy because she wanted to , end of story. English rant coming soon I promise , a booby rant will be written tomorrow I swear!!!
6. I've had the most peaceful and restful sleep in a long time :D!
7. I cut my hair! It's not afroish it looks like a boyish cut and it's sexy :P. Oh yeah the day I cut my hair I went to one of those manicure places that do waxing and the lady did an amazing job! My eyebrows are now superior to everyone else's :P!
8. After having them grow nonstop for 8months and reach 2 inches in length one of my nails broke off!!!!! So I had to cut them all and start all over ;_;...luckily with all the vitamins and bunny food erm vegetables I eat they'll be long again in no time.
9. I'm almost finished my christmas themed picture for deviantArt. I spent so much time on the
details and I
hope it turns out
well! I am determined to have this finished and uploaded tomorrow!!!
10. There are 17 days till my 22nd birthday :O! I'm getting old T__T!
And that is it from me for now , season's greetings to everyone!
give Kakumei-tenjou more *HUGS* Get hugs of your own