A little update on AN's artist alley satus:
o1. A sent an email to artist alley(they call it their comic market) last Friday night. Applications were opened at 8p.m. DST and mine was sent out at 8:00:04...you would think that would ensure me one of the guaranteed first 50 spots. Well...not exactly, apparently with so many people sending their emails at exactly the same as me and earlier, combined with some kind of problem receiving the emails, I and quite a few people ended up being entered into the lottery for the remaining tables!
o2. Between Friday and Sunday(until 8) people applied for tables, I figured after 8 when the application window had closed, I would be hearing from the convention staff or hearing the results of the lottery draw. Nothing...I panicked. I started thinking something was wrong with my application and a whole string of crazy ideas...
o3. Turns out I'll have to wait at least a week before I even hear or read of any results. And with the seemingly large number of people who have applied this year, it wouldn't surprise me if it took a little longer than a week to respond to the accepted artists, let alone answering all the questions/concerns/possible rants and raves of the people who do not get a table or even a seat with someone...
So during my panic yesterday, mom and I had a little talk...Now for those of you have been reading this lj faithfully, you'd know quite well that from last year's Anime North in May, 2009 until late December, early January, I was sick and sick quite frequently. Now we'll all agree getting sick isn't fun right? Well it's even less fun when the time you spend sick in bed is time you could spend drawing and inking artwork. It was only late January that I took up this project again and mom worries that I won't be able to finish in time. At first before getting sick almost constantly, a
friend and I were thinking we could draw up at least 16-20 images to make into prints/buttons/bookmarks/postcards.
Unfortunately for her, because of various financial strains she had to drop out. So I shaved my item list down to 12, and after getting sick 10. Now...with less than a month to go and because my lovely employers do not believe that I could actually have a life outside of work, I could either rush and complete only 5 images and not have it be my best work as it should be or I could just write off this year and aim for something amazing next year. With the scare of yesterday, I have a sneaking suspicion that I won't get a table in the first place(especially with all the big name canadian and US dA people!) and I really want to be well prepared for this, so...I don't know :X! I did talk to Levenn and she said if she's able to successfully get her finances in order, she'd definitely want to try again. Mom suggested when I make a second go at this Artist Alley thing to try and draw at least one picture a month, see if I can make 10 and go from there, depending on these lotto results, I think that's exactly what I'll do. But I'm going either way, gotta bug
minjii :D! Maybe if this one picture a month idea goes well, I could make my alley debut at
dot-con or at least go there and see what's popular to draw. So with photoshop/painter/paint tool sai, my sexy micron pens that make nice black
lines, it's going to be fun!I better start lurking
aatoast! But for now...just have to play the waiting game! It's been one hell of a learning experience, that's for sure!
So last night with the idea that "I will make AWSUM ARTZ AND PPLZ WILL BUY DEM NAO :D!" I started tinkering around in photoshop...
Question to anyone in the know, would printers be able to pick up the little details if I overlay a texture onto artwork? I really hope so, I remember seeing a print at least year's anime north where a girl did that was this gorgeous Anbu version of Kakashi that I should have bought D:!
As compared to the plain no textured version!
So today, with a new outlook and a teeny bit of hope for anime north, I went and organized some folders on the desktop!
Everything that is coloured goes in there, I got a ton of notes with things I've been asking people and reading about and all that good stuff. ALL FEAR MY ORGANIZATIONAL SKILLZ!!!
Now this folder used to have 1314234923489242 sub folders in it, but I've narrowed it down to 3 subfolders in Stuff and WIP's. Oh this is where all the stuff you see on dA goes :P!
Other than that, not much to report, I went out and bought a messenger bag this afternoon so that I wouldn't be putting pressure on my shoulder. Apparently saying I feel a tingly sensation in my shoulder is not a good thing, according to my nurse mother. She keeps freaking out any time I sling something on the shoulder D:! I'll take pictures of it one day, it's a lovely shade of purple and purple is the colour of win. Wait...maybe green is...it's the colour of money :o!
give Kakumei-tenjou more *HUGS* Get hugs of your own