- 22:07 So I jumped on the bandwagon and made a livestream account! www.livestream.com/reafu #
- 22:58 @ revulo Make a youtube vlog! #
- 23:27 @ revulo I have no idea? Observations at work? #
- 04:57 You might not be very clear about your current finances today ... More for Capricorn bit.ly/mrA9a #
- 15:42 Why is it so cold in here ;_;! #
- 16:44 @ digitoonie :O? #
- 16:59 Alright I've pimped out my livestream channel www.livestream.com/reafu ! Now to actually broadcast something |D! #
- 18:52 I just played with the most adorable puppy ;__; <3! #
- 20:01 I'd like you all to meet my new friend Ginger, bit.ly/O3D7W! #
- 20:08 @ revulo Aww thank you :D. I wish she could have stayed longer though, we'd watch tv and she'd sit on my lap while chewing those dentastix! #
- 20:17 @ yukianesa I want to steal her from my sister. She'd get all the doggie treats she could eat ♥! #
- 20:28 @ autovatic Sounds good! #
- 21:30 Dammit Danbooru why do I need a bloody account to look at images :/? #
- 21:50 @ JinChamploo That's no good D:. Luckily I found the image I was looking for, though a google search! #
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