- 23:53 Because I don't like to just lay around when I'm sick, might as well work on ancient artwork... yfrog.com/0wnp6j #
- 01:30 God, why is marmalade so amazingly delicious :O? #
- 03:25 @ dannychoo Love the models but I have a feeling those huge alien heads would give nightmares! #
- 04:29 Goodnight twitter!! #
- 04:55 If you have had to revise upcoming travel plans, there may sti... More for Capricorn bit.ly/mrA9a #
- 14:40 Talking to a close highschool friend about our both being sick. And about what we did with our uniforms after highschool XD! #
- 16:25 @ revulo Bastards!! #
- 16:26 Coming home from hairdresser...sexy African goddess mode: ON #
- 16:35 @ princeakira Call their house :p! #
- 17:46 @ revulo Making the sign of the cross with your left hand is still considered demonic by the catholic church :P. I lol'd at this comic! #
- 19:35 @ yukianesa Memories :3... #
- 22:01 I now know how to change my twitterfox colour theme. I am proud :3! #
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