May 22, 2010 14:43

Payment Accepted: PayPal & Concealed Cash (at your own risk!)
Shipping: This all depends on where you live and the item/s that you want. I'm pretty generous when it comes to this though so don't expect to pay much :3
I'll let you know how much it is in the email I send you.
IF YOU'RE INTERESTED IN BUYING SOMETHING:1. Specify what you're interested ( Read more... )

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kakowasure April 1 2010, 01:50:19 UTC
i don't think i have any flyers of them but i'll double check for you :/


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kakowasure April 2 2010, 18:00:42 UTC
there used to be an amazing second hand music shop that i would buy all my jrock merch from. it was called third stage... but sadly they went out of business about a year or two ago :C
i would have recommended that you go there for some decent priced secondhand kannivalism and baroque stuff.

you could always go take a trip to japan....? XD


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kakowasure April 5 2010, 16:42:35 UTC
i think they only accepted western union and international money orders which was pretty convenient for me because i didn't have paypal at the time XD;;

well i'll hopefully be in japan for four years starting this august so if you ever have any free time and need a place to go... you can visit me LOL XD


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