
Dec 21, 2009 20:18

[Locked | Hackable]
It is cruel, to subject those so young to this. I suppose I should not be surprised at the cruelty of these lands or their gods, yet where is Ihy to...


Where was I to stop it. Where was the Task Force? Where were...

[A pause. There is an almost hopeful lilt to the sarcastic tone.]

Heartening though it is that I am without the taunts and jeers, I am unable to stop talking to myself, I see.

[A sigh.]

Even still, I cannot content myself to say it was better before they came. Roxas, Riqis, and the rest. Their youth is certainly not my youth, is it? Headstrong and brash though they can be. Yet there are so many, and how are we to shelter them from this? How are we to...

[A brief snuffle follows the soft patter of paws, and then one long, wet lick. Prince laughs, even as he feigns disgust.]

Yes, I know. I talk too much. Shall we, then?

My lady, would you walk with me this evening? There is something I would speak to you about.

trying to be romantic over here, angst bucket, sahar is such a critic, he just likes the sound of his own voice

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