Uneventful day, I guess. For the most part (following work), I wandered back and forth between my room and the living room, talking to Jamie and playing a couple songs on the new Guitar Hero. The one that I really like ("Nothin' But a Good Time" by Poison) is fucking impossible because its made up of three-note chords, and no matter how hard I tried, my fingers won't work like it; I need to press three at the same time, but I either press four, or one finger lifts up when I try to have the other one press down. The nerves in my hand just.. don't allow for that kind of movement. And that pisses me off something fierce, because its NOT a hard song. My fingers just won't bend properly to hit the notes needed.
Anyway, ranting aside. I'm a little better than the night before, despite the fact that my thoughts still won't shut up. The closer it gets to this weekend, the louder they seem to become, for some reason. I wish I could be like a normal person and stop over-analyzing everything.
Its late, and I really ought to be in bed. Tomorrow's payday, and thus will begin the few things I need to do in preparation for Saturday.