Okay. So, where was I?
We had a lot of family at Grandmother's house. More than I'm used to seeing. And we had tons of leftovers to take home, too, which is pretty much often the case.
Work has been increasingly tense lately.. the last few weeks, people have been showing up less, or cutting work more often even when they do show up. One guy on third shift hasn't been there all week; the last we heard from him was some lame excuse about his back hurting, on Tuesday. With all these people cutting their time short at work, the rest of the slack falls upon those who do show up. And we're in the opening of the Holidays, so its getting BUSY as f*ck. We haven't been able to get the day done all the way for the last couple of days, just 'cause there's so much to do, and not enough manpower to do it all.
I lost my temper on Wednesday, as it was. Yelled at some people and accused them of not doing their jobs, and f*cked up a job in the process; its actually sitting on the bed right behind me, 'cause I gotta sort it out before bringing it back into work tomorrow to redo. Everyone in the place had been getting more and more hypocritical and laying it on thick with double-standards, and I finally snapped and screamed at Amanda. I hadn't meant to take it out on any one specific person, but it just happened to be that specific incident which broke the last straw. It still bothers me a whole lot even though I've calmed down and am over it by now, because everyone in that place doesn't hesitate to b*tch, and complain, and gripe, and whine about people behind their backs, saying how awful a job they're doing, and etc. And normally, I just sit and listen, but the rare times I do speak up to voice my complaintative opinion, I'm almost instantly shot down with "Well, instead of complaining or finding someone to blame for it, why don't you fix your mistakes and try dealing with it for a change?" Father has been very harsh about that lately, and its really starting to make it so I'm going into work unhappy, lately, 'cause its giving me the impression that I'm not doing a good enough job, either. People can take weeks off at a time, but then when I say something about it, I'm the one who's in the wrong. I don't like it much at all.
I've been trying to save up money for the last couple of months, just 'cause the holidays are coming up quick.. I have $242 in savings, and its getting to where I might have to even scrape that up to stay on top of things.. Jer is taking advantage of the cellphone plan by racking up text message fees left and right, and the rest of us get stuck footing the bill (because he can't, and doesn't make enough money). Our last bill was a little over $300, and since we need our phones, I had to cover it this time. As well as that, my cars' brakes are making some really bad noises, so I have to take it into a shop on Monday and have them take a look at it. Father says, generally, I'm looking at a couple hundred dollars between parts and labor, if its brakes all around, which he thinks it probably is. And I have $304 left in my main checking account until next Thursday. If it isn't enough, I'll have to delve into savings to cover up whats needed. That's discouraging, to say the least, but it could be worse, I guess.
And, on a final and bit more subtle note, I've found someone that I'm attempting to get to know a little bit. I met her a couple of weeks ago, and found out that she lives out near Detroit, which, though a good distance away, is still much closer than it could've been. She's a very interesting girl, quite bright, a bit on the playful side, and incredibly open, blunt, and honest about virtually everything. This last bit intrigues me the most, given how bashful I tend to be in certain situations related thusly. I'm taking my slow in time this, though, for all sakes and precautions; I've given her my cell number, and I have hers, too. She sent me a text message this morning before she left to go see her family for Thanksgiving, but I was out cold and didn't even hear it. *Laugh*
But that's predominantly it, I suppose. I better go get started on that job.
"Donate a turkey, buy a pizza for Thanksgiving!"