Jun 22, 2006 23:44
last night I had a dream about Noel - remember Noel?? The new guy that was hired at Round Table, funny, smart, psych major, and looked like Hayden Christensen? So in my dream it was like the progress of our relationship together. We talked, flirted, started to date, shared each others life stories...like, really in detail stuff. So I'm thinkin, is this what it would have been like had he not been fired?? It's been like 3 or 4 weeks, but...i dunno. Just a weird dream. I wonder if really would have been good together.
wow i am SO hungry and thirsty right now but it's so late. Zone bar! Diet soda!
oh yeah, listen to this dream I had last week: I went to go see Dan, I was just passing by and we talked about chad. Turns out he had started this website online to sell drugs, but it was under cover as a shoe store. the size of the shoe ordered was the weight in ounces and the shoe style represented the type of drug. He was popular all over the US and the police were onto him but there was no way to hack into the website files. Before I left Dan's, he came to my car window and gave me a letter that he found. It had my name on the front, from Chad. I was so anxious to read it! But when I read it later it was just a bunch of words mixed up and some numbers that didn't make any sense, so I assumed it was just him on drugs, and I was disappointed. Later when I was looking to into the website files, i realized the words in the letter were actually http codes...it wasn't a letter at all! and his user name and password were there too. I used it, logged in and had everything needed to get him arrested. I didn't know why my name was on the paper. Even though we haven't spoken in 3 months, I was deciding whether to call chad to convince him to turn himself in when...I WOKE UP!! isn't that like a crazy suspense story?? I wish I knew what happened damn it!