Let's pretend for a second (Oneshot)

Sep 03, 2012 20:30

Title: Let's pretend for a second (Oneshot)
Pairing: Hyoyoung
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Fluff/Small loving actions
Summary: Something is in the air, and it's almost possible to become one...right?

Sooyoung doesn’t know her first kiss has already been taken. How could she know? She was sleeping. Hyoyeon sometimes feel horrible about it, especially when Sooyoung wonders out loud who she should give her first kiss to.

Hyoyeon would then bring her fingers to her lips and remember her first kiss.

She didn’t just take, she gave as well.

Hyoyeon throws a pillow across the room but it doesn’t hit her wanting target. Damn, and now she’s out of pillows. They are all on the other side of the bed. She’s still smiling though, deciding to use her last weapon which is jumping onto the bed and throwing herself at the tall pillow-filled girl.

It sort of works sometimes.

They fly into Jessica’s drawer which thankfully was covered with pillows. They both decided who would be the winner by using rock, paper, scissor. Sooyoung won.

How can she be so good at game that is based on luck?

She grins foolishly at Hyoyeon who accepts her defeat. Sooyoung moves the pillows out of her way.

Wonder what the other 7 girls will do when they find out they don’t have any pillows for the night… Oh well, Sooyoung locked the door, I guess it’s okay to stay here for tonight.

They crawl upon Sooyoung’s bed in the pure afterglow of having-a-pillow-fight-while-laughing-like-lunatics -exhausting way. Both happy it’s over.

A glance at the clock on the wall. Ah, it’s late.

Sooyoung spread her limbs while Hyoyeon was happy with just a small part of the bed to curve up in. After a few minutes Sooyoung was snoring with the light in the room still on. Hyoyeon knew her duty. She got up quickly, however resulting in her falling right back down grasping her head in pain, muttering softly. “Head rush, head rush, head rush.” But she rose again in the end, slowly this time. She passed the pillows like a maze and turned the light off. Her eyes closed for a second as she took a moment to lean against the wall next to the switch, feeling just how tired she really was.

How did it even start this time? Was it over that last pack of popcorn? …Didn’t I see Seohyun throw that away at one point in the kitchen? Hm…

Oh, this confusion.

“Get back here.”

A tired voice mumbles softly, now from under the covers. Hyoyeon opens her eyes, wondering if the snoring she heard was all an illusion.

“Right away.” She answers cutely and skips back, jumping onto the bed and tumbling Sooyoung over a little. “Get under the covers Fiona, you are pulling the sheets.” Hyoyeon frowns. Sooyoung senses it, quips. “I’m cold, now hurry.” Hyoyeon chuckles to the quick added words and quickly gets under the covers where it’s warmer. Sooyoung’s legs immediately tangles with the shorter ones and a long arm fell over Hyoyeon’s little waist and hugged.

If Hyoyeon said she was used to the girls clingy needs, she couldn’t stand for her word. She let her own arm fall awkwardly over Sooyoung’s arm and onto the girls shoulder it stayed. But she was happy. Sooyoung’s calm face was not far from hers, like it never is when they sleep together, ehm, in the same bed.


Hyoyeon twitched a little, afraid she was caught staring a little too long at the girls eye lashes. She smiled crookedly and collected her voice into a coolly tune. “What’s with you? I thought you were a dead limb.”

“I know, I am. I was just thinking.”


“If you were a boy, we would be together. We just would.” Sooyoung said matter-of-factly, her tired eyes opens with a look saying she has thought about it since she got quiet. The thought setting Hyoyeon’s heart to speed off and her face to warms up. Her arm over Sooyoung falls and she places it along her own body. On contraire, Sooyoung pulls Hyoyeon closer with her legs. Hyoyeon smiles and it’s enough of an answer for Sooyoung to close her eyes again.

Sooyoung had said it a couple of times before, but Hyoyeon just smiles it off because Sooyoung just eventually falls asleep.



She should be asleep now

“Let’s pretend.” Sooyoung’s voice was unusually quiet.

“Pretend what?” She just barely hears it and answers. Sooyoung’s face is still but a sudden bite to her lip changes it.

“Nothing.” Sooyoung quickly says a little louder than just now and turns around. A little complicated with their legs but she got it. Hyoyeon blinks, not as happy without the girls around her. She guesses its goodnight and looks at the sudden space between them. And every inch of Hyoyeon’s body tries to resist the temptation to know what Sooyoung meant this time. To embrace her and snuggle into her, can she really do those things? Is it forbidden?

Sooyoung’s eyes are wide open. She waits until she hears Hyoyeon’s form gently shift and fall asleep before she lets out her stored heavier breath. Her heart is beating rapidly.

That was close


x: hyoyeon, fanwork: fanfiction, pairing: hyoyoung, x: sooyoung, fandom: snsd, rating: pg-13

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