Open up to me (1/2)

Aug 07, 2012 22:26

Title: Open up to me (1/2)
Pairing: Jungli & Luntoria (IUxSuzy if you squeeze your eyes, and an appearance by Amber)
Rating: PG-13/R
Genre: Fluff/Angst/Confession/Comedy/Comfort/Romance
Summary: You like her and she likes you, but one of you guys are really oblivious.

“I know who you like.”
I’ve always liked you, so I hope I’m right
And Sulli was so right.
Krystal just laughed however.

“I’m getting a Chinese girl as my dorm mate.”
“Yeah. Kind of random. “
“Cool…maybe you’ll be Multilanguage one day…” Sulli says with a tiny smile that fades a little. “I wish I was good at something.” Sulli mumbles as she flips through the Campus map in her hands.
“Did you say something?”
Krystal looks up at her, and Sulli shakes her head to her with a smile and then resumes to her map.
I think you have a lot of talent
Krystal sips her strawberry milk and sneaks peaks at the other girl.
Like stealing my heart for one
After some time Krystal's focus draws to the distant clock on the wall.
“They said she was old…”
They were meeting soon and she hates polite language…it requires too much thought into it.
And as Krystal frowns slightly, Sulli peaks at her.

“Aren’t you kind of…old?”
Krystal didn’t mind being straight forward, in any formality.
“I think term is… wise. But... need to learn.”
Her thinking face.
Krystal thought it was funny.
“Victoria…am I.”
“I’m Krystal.”
Krystal who wasn’t a very talkative but helpful person, was somewhat happy.

As Sulli and Krystal stood and talked by Krystal and Victoria’s dorm door one night, Victoria who was sweeping the floor was smiling as she mumbled something in Chinese to a green flower pot close to her.
They have something going on, Mr. Plant, don’t you think?

“She moved out yesterday.”
“I’m sorry.”
And Sulli truly was.
“It’s okay. I’m getting used to my new roommate. She’s younger. “
Sulli nodded quietly.
“And prettier.”
But never prettier than you
Krystal added with her eyes on Sulli, and there was a visual pout. Krystal liked that. But she also liked Victoria when she came to think about it.
She’ll miss her, dearly. Since she felt a little like a mother.
“She left this for us two, though.”
“For us?”
Krystal nodded and picked up a box from her bag with just as curious eyes as Sulli’s.
And when she opened the lid of the box, it was filled with chocolate.
Sulli leaned in and eyed them, and couldn’t stop looking. They looked so wonderful.
And those were just Krystal’s lips…
They look so soft and…wet
It was only Sulli who read the Korean letters on the box and noticed the tiny heart.
Did she know? I only spoke to her once…
“Yummy! Let’s dig in!”
Sulli’s eyes were still gazing in thought as Krystal had already grabbed a chocolate square and plopping it into her mouth.
Sulli smiled, following suit.

Amber bounced a ball against the wall in front of her friend as she lies comfortably on her own bed. As the ball returned for the third time, Amber looked over at the girl who had her eyes stuck on her phone.
“Hey, Krys?”
She was faced with a tiny hum as response.
“Are you hanging out with Luna a lot lately?”
It managed to draw Krystal’s eyes from her phone and to the lazy girl on the bed.
“Oh, I see you enter her dorm now and then, and exit. So I wondered if you guys became close right after you met or something.”
Amber throws the ball against the wall again, and catches it safely as it returns.
Krystal straightens on her chair, giving her a little of her attention.
“No, I, I don’t know Luna that well. I hang out with her roommate sometimes.”
Krystal gestured a little with her free hand, which looked weird, but she knew Amber didn’t know the girl. And so she was surprised when Amber’s eyes shot up, as well as how her body which flew up from its position-directed towards her.
“You mean that girl we see in math?! That girl with long hair and and and…”
“Don’t make it cheesy-”
“…heavenly smile and model height…”
 Krystal face-palmed herself as Amber’s mental being flew off somewhere above the clouds. Her hand touched her face and she was surprised at how warm her cheeks were, it made her wonder if her whole face had turned red.
“ERM, yeah. “She shook it off. “I became friends with her.”
Amber was by her feet now, and Krystal wondered how fast this girl could move.
“Who made the first move!”
Krystal became warmer.
Why do I have to deal with this love drunk girl…
“S-She came up to me.”
Krystal kept it short. Eyes now and then returning to her phone, but the focus was off.
Amber’s eyebrow rose as she silently requested for more information. And a little of, are you kidding me? Is this all you’re giving me?
Krystal complied, lowering her phone down on her lap.
“Last Thursday, a-after last class…”
Krystal cleared her throat that felt a bit jammed by the sudden intrusion of Amber’s questions. Though, she felt a little weight being lifted off her chest with another blush, she did want someone to talk to about the girl. Someone who might give her advice on this whole situation and make her open up about it.
And maybe Amber was that someone.
“So, have you seen her panties yet?”
…Or maybe she wasn’t.

Sulli yelled happily from afar as she ran. And it was like she was glowing.
Krystal’s arm flew up immediately to the breathful greeting. She smiled and mimed her own greeting with a smile on her lips. She watched the girl run across the enormous green grassed Campus Park and towards her. And as her arm slowly came down, she felt her tiny butterflies come alive the closer she got. And nervous as she knew the girl would notice what she was carrying in her busy hand.
Just a few meters now.
“Sulli, hi-“
She was enveloped in a sudden hug. She blinked her eyes and dropped the blanket and lunch box from her hand. It fell soundly on the sun-filled grass as Sulli pressed herself closer and the smile that followed on Krystal’s lips had never felt more real.
She was quite dazzled when the girl pulled away and faced her with her own energetic smile.
“I’ve missed you, Soojung ah!”
“A-Ah, so the sudden hug-mi-missed you too, I-“
“Soojung ah?”
Krystal wanted to shake her head, literally. She felt like she was on clouds. But it would look weird in public. She didn’t have the ability to focus on how her body in-between them felt warm, and at the same time focus on how-
“Your hands.”
Sulli commented with a smile, and a small lip bite.
Krystal nodded at the sight. And then her brows frowned for a half a second and she was aware of the girl’s words. She looked down and saw how her own arms were securely embracing the girls waist, and how Sulli had let go and they hanged by her sides.
It was a quick release.
So quick that Krystal jumped back, and space appeared between them. She shyly drew a hand through her hair and peeked around at people.
What’s this?
Sulli’s eyes went low and onto the objects on the ground that suddenly got her attention. She displayed shock as she drew her hair behind her ears and spoke how she had always wanted to go on a picnic. She crunched down and grabbed the blanket and box.
Krystal dropped down as well, right after she fanned herself with her hand out of Sulli’s sight.

Krystal stood in front of Sulli’s dorm door.
She hadn’t knocked on it yet.
She kept thinking about those white flowers by the entrance of the school she saw on her way here.
There’s a hint of pink on Krystal’s cheeks lately, and when she thinks about the money Jessica had given her a while ago, she shamelessly decides to turn around to go back and buy some, maybe a bouquet, or a single rose would…
But she suddenly freezes.
There was a sound from inside the dorm.
Not a terrifying sound.
But a laugh.
Sulli’s laugh
And she immediately couldn’t leave.  She shook her head and brought up her arm.
Maybe next time
“Open up! It’s me!”
Krystal knocked on the wooden door. Only seconds before the door open did she hear footsteps brush the carpet on the other side. She breathed and drew a hand roughly through her hair one last time before the door started to open almost slow motion-like.

Lately, Krystal felt like every time she saw Sulli, it was only fair to take the time to take in her beauty. And she also felt like she didn’t really have a choice after she realized her feelings. Her head had been a bit wilder around her, and she tried but couldn’t avoid the secret feelings she had to a one hundred percent. And to try to avoid feeling like a total drooling puddle of daze when Sulli appears in front of her and beams her smile was just too hard.
The girl might have notice something, but Krystal hadn’t sat down yet to think everything through.
So she just went with things and hoped for the best, for now at least.

“Hi, Soojung ah!”
Sulli grabbed the door side and leaned against it as she stepped out of the way Krystal was already passing.
She felt her swoosh by in an instant and Sulli was happy.
Sulli closed the door and eyed her friend’s backside freely head over to the fridge in the little kitchen area. She turned around and smiled out of sight as she closed the door soundlessly and skipped over to the couch.
It was quiet, and they were alone.
She was back to where she was sitting seconds ago, but she couldn’t quite focus as she waited for the girl’s reaction. She raised the volume on the TV slightly as it was before, while she imagined Krystal’s face after she noticed she had bought strawberry milk.
She counted the seconds as she bit her bottom lip.
And then a tiny squeal came from the other girl some meters away and it made her day.
“Ah! You have the strawberry kind! How come?”
I bought them just for you
“Oh, just… my roommate likes that kind lately.”
“Ahh.” Krystal nods as she takes one carelessly from the fridge and closes it afterwards. She looks up at Sulli. “Your kind is good too.”
Your kind…
She catches herself after seeing Sulli’s expression freeze.
“Blueberry! I mean, the blueberry kind…it’s my second favorite.”
And Sulli doesn’t say anything, but she gives a smile and a light laugh… and Krystal melts.
She’s adorable when she’s like that
She’s beautiful when she smiles like that
“Erm, anyways.” Krystal clears her throat and Sulli nods as she grabs her remote control a little tighter and shifts and continues watching Running Man that was on.

Krystal removed her jacket and went and joined next to Sulli.
“What? You’re watching that episode again? Didn’t we watch that one the other day in my dorm?”
Maybe she’s watching it because I’m in it
Krystal drinks the milk and Sulli’s hand went up to shuffle her own growing bangs out of her eyes for a second.
She swallows mildly low.
I’m watching it because you are in it
“Ah…yeah, it was just sort of on when I turned on the TV, so I let it run.”
Sulli leaned back and fiddled with the remote control buttons with a tiny smile and that was enough for Krystal.

After some time, and they knew exactly when - they both smiled. Sulli was the one who yelled this time.
“There you are!”
She smiles and claps her hands enthusiastically. Krystal blushes, but her pride swells an uncontrollable amount.
“I was just lucky they were there as I came out from my dentist appointment…”
Sulli nods, and they both look on.
“I’m sorry that that tall guy is kind of blocking you.”
Sulli pointed to the screen, of course she had wanted to see more of the girl.
In the crowd behind the participants were Krystal who tried, as well as the others, to get a good look at what was going on.
“Yeah…he was kind of a giant.”
Sulli giggled to the monotone and Krystal’s pout.
“You are so a star now at school.”

When the golden moment had passed and the episode ran on, Sulli’s eyes were on the TV, and Krystal’s eyes were secretly on Sulli.
Or, it automatically shifted from the TV to the girls beautiful smile whenever she laughed.
She laughs at the exact same moments as last night
Krystal remembers with a tilt and thinks it’s adorable.
She wanted to note how Sulli’s head sometimes flops back and her hair flies away to reveal her pale neck.
But Sulli’s right hand was suddenly on her crossed thigh, and she had lean into her, and Krystal shakes her head as if she has been out of it.
Krystal lets out, finding her focus being close to her.
“I said, since it’s over, do you want me to change the channel? It says the next show is The Beatles Code. Do you want to watch it?” Sulli searched her face and Krystal blinked a couple of times.
And Sulli’s face lit up.
Sulli takes a last look at Krystal’s lips before she excitingly turns back towards the TV.
It seems like she really likes these shows
Krystal thinks as she tries to ignore the still warm hand print that was left after the girls hand was removed. She grabbed a pillow beside her and hugged it as Sulli began to smile again, and laugh.
Krystal figured the TV didn’t know how lucky it was.

“Soojung ah? Are you waking up?”
Krystal twitches alive, and when she opened her tired eyes she was surprised at how the whole room had flipped 90 degrees, and her head was on something soft.


x: luna, x: sulli, x: iu, fandom: f(x), fanwork: fanfiction, x: victoria, x: amber, x: krystal, x: suzy

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