See you again, see you soon and see you tomorrow (2/2)

Mar 19, 2012 18:43

Title: See you again, see you soon and see you tomorrow (2/2)
Pairing: TaeNy & Wooyoung
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Comfort/Comedy/Confession/Romance/Fluff
Summary: It's not like it's planned, at all. Tiffany goes to buy her favorite ice cream every a day in this little shop, feeling the need for a little cooling down as the hot summer was overwhelming. And a short girl is always there behind the counter to accept her coins.
Oh, and don’t forget diva Wooyoung either. He’s there too.

A/N: So this is part 2 of SYA, SYS & SYT O_o aish, so long, anyways please enjoy the conclusion of this fic ^^

It’s like this shop is on a lost island… and I am the only person alive… and outside there are no monsters, it’s just me, and this shop…me and this tiny shop…
“How does this store even manage…”
Wooyoung asked to nobody in particular. He was about to fall asleep on the counter, already leaning on it with his elbows.
When the glass door opened he was surprised Taeyeon would come back here at this time, so he looked up.
“Hey, are you already-“ Then he scrambled onto his feet. “Hi costumer.”
Number 2 in …forever.
Wooyoung bowed politely.
“Hey, I was wondering if you sell lighter fluid?”
“W-we do, I mean, we do. They are right over there beside the coal.”
Wooyoung pointed behind the man.
“Oh! Great!”
The guy turned back to get them and Wooyoung slapped himself across his check.
Damnit, damnit, damnit, too cute for me...
The guy re-entered with two bottles and put them on the counter in between them.
“Is it okay if I pay with a kiss?”
“Mmmmm… uh what? Say what!?”
Wooyoung fell out of his daze and his eyes widened.
“I asked, is it okay if I pay with coins?”
“O-Oh, uh yeah sure…”
The next second coins filled the counter and Wooyoung started counting. He was standing next to a small fan but couldn’t help but to produce more sweat.
Even though it was late, summer really was hot this


“So, where do you wanna go?”
Taeyeon asked while keeping her eyes on the road.
“Can we just stop here?”
Taeyeon confusingly turned her head towards Tiffany, but the girls head was looking out her window.
“You mean right here? On the side of the road?”
“Mm-hm?” Tiffany peeped.
Is she…is she mad? No, no she can’t be. Does she need to make a phone call?
No matter how much her eyebrows frowned in confusion she obeyed and soon parked the car on the side of the dark highway.
Taeyeon reached to turn the engine off when Tiffany grabbed her arm and pulled her towards her and leaned in.
Soft lips kissed Taeyeon hungrily. And as Taeyeon was immobilized, Tiffany unfastened her seatbelt and shifted. She threw a leg over Taeyeon and straddled her forcefully, breathing hard while feeling Taeyeon up.
Taeyeon’s eyes were wide open.
“Hm-huh what?”
Tiffany giggled, fastening her seat belt.
“Well, we aren’t going to get anywhere if you don’t start the engine.”
Tiffany leaned back with a sweet smile.
Taeyeon glanced at the girl.
Taeyeon cleared her throat and blinked a few times. She put the key in and turned it.
The engine roared.
“So” Taeyeon shyly asked. “Where do you wanna go?”


“Anywhere? She said that?”
“Yeah, she said anywhere. So I took her to…”
“A restaurant? A café? A tivoli? And OH did you win her one of those mega huge teddy bears for her?”
Wooyoung asked as he swung his fists wildly in the air in a cute act.
It gave Taeyeon the shills. He stopped and smiled, tilting his head.
“I’m sorry, please proceed, sis.”
“Why am I even telling you this?”
“Because I’m the only one you got.”
“I have myself.”
“Well it’s only real if someone else hears it!”
Taeyeon glared at him then rolled her eyes.
“Fine, but you have to shut up if you want to hear.”
“YES! I am so quiet you don’t even know- okay.”
He zipped his mouth.
“...Okay. Well, um I took her to Han River and we-”
“Oooooooooh, just like a date and all, by the sea-”


Tiffany entered the store which put a smile on Taeyeon’s face. She had been waiting for her.
“Hi Taeyeon.”
When Tiffany smiled and went over to get her Twister, Taeyeon unknowingly checked her out a little discreet. Her head  straightened quickly however when Tiffany turned and walked towards her.
“OH MY LUCIFER is that an actual Prada bag you are wearing?”
Wooyoung randomly appeared beside them and pointed at Tiffany’s bag. She was say the least.
“U-uh, yes it is.”
She smiled friendly at him. Taeyeon however burned holes in his head.
“I just wanted to ask, sorry for disturbing.”
He gave his own little eye smile and then returned back to stack some noodles.
Taeyeon didn’t really know how to explain that.
“I’m glad he has good taste.”
Tiffany laughed and spread out her coins on the counter.
Taeyeon’s mouth formed a line as she counted the money.
Then Taeyeon’s eyes saw Tiffany’s elbows on the counter in her view, she looked up and Tiffany was leaning forward on it.
“I had fun yesterday.”
Some coins suddenly fell onto the floor.
“Y-Yeah me too…”
She said before she disappeared down behind the counter to pick them up.
She felt very flustered at the simple line.
“Let me help you.”
And in seconds Tiffany was behind the counter having picked up 3 coins already. It was very prompt and small and they were very close. Taeyeon tried to ignore the close presence of Tiffany.
She could smell her hair.
When Tiffany grabbed her hand to place the coins in her hand, she couldn’t ignore her anymore.
“Do, do you want to, to come home to my place?”
Words just came out, Taeyeon clicked her tongue as she looked at how Tiffany’s face turned blank, mouth slightly opened.
“…and maybe watch some movies, sometime? Or something.”
Taeyeon tried to add discreetly. When Tiffany just looked at her, Taeyeon’s self esteem wore out and she immediately stood up where she suddenly found air and her brother’s distanced eyes on her.
Her whole body felt warm.
“But you don’t have to, of course. I just, I like movies and thought maybe-”
Taeyeon rambled, but stopped when Tiffany lifted herself up and showed her eye smile, tucking some hair behind her ear.
“I’d love to.”
She stared at her, at her smile.
She’d love to, love to, love to, love to, love to, love to, love to, love to
Taeyeon felt her heart pound. In the distance behind Tiffany, Wooyoung was waving his hands expressively to get her attention, and then he pretended to dial a number and talk into a phone. Taeyeon clicked her tongue nervously and averted her eyes back to Tiffany quickly.
“Um, can I get your number?”
Tiffany tried to hide her widest smile as she nodded.
“Give me your phone.”
Taeyeon took hers out and as she gave it to Tiffany their hands brushed. She watched on as Tiffany pushed down some buttons and then waited for a second before her phone came to life with a pretty little ring.
She gave the phone back to Taeyeon and her hand brushed a little more this time.
Taeyeon's mind went momentarily blank.
“Well, bye! Text me when you want me!”
Taeyeon saw the figure strutting out the glass door and can’t believe how ‘when you want me’ sounded so good to her ears.
Wooyoung pumped a fist in the air across from her.
Then as Taeyeon darted her eyes to him he hid himself.


“I’m going! I’m going!”
Wooyoung’s jacket was only half on when Taeyeon pushed him out the door. Wooyoung span around.
“You should be so happy Chansung lets me crash at his place.”
He pouted. But Taeyeon was beyond stressed.
“Yes, I know! Thank him for me and GOODBYE.”
The door stopped by Wooyoung’s strength as he took a deep breath.
The door shut, but it irritatingly echoed in the whole apartment.
Stupid brother, he can’t just leave me in peace and- oh no, shower, clean, get some movies -I have to get going! Crap!
Taeyeon had an hour and 20 minutes before she had to drive and pick up Tiffany.


Meeting outside of the shop was the safest choice.
Tiffany fastened her seatbelt.
“Do you live far from here?”
“Not at all actually.”
“Oh, mm if it’s close then why don’t you walk to work?”
“Because I have to cross a huge highway, which is just asking for people to die on.”
Taeyeon turned and they were now on the main road.
“You can’t die.”
Taeyeon heard a mumble and smiled.


“I-I’m sorry, I didn’t know you didn’t like horror movies. I should have asked you. I’m sorry.”
Taeyeon returned into her living room with a blanket. She gave it to Tiffany who was slightly shaking.
“N-No, it’s my fault for not saying anything u-until the movie had…ended. I just, I’m a little s-sensitive-”
Tiffany flew up from the couch as Taeyeon received a text.
The blanket fell onto the floor.
“It’s okay! It’s okay! It’s just my phone!”
Taeyeon held up her phone to ensure her. And after Tiffany had calmed down she opened the text.

From: Wooppa
To: You
Love ya, sis~

Taeyeon eyed the strange text, then shut her phone off.
She went to sit next to Tiffany to comfort the girl. Her hand in instinct started stroking the frightened girls back up and down.
Taeyeon leaned her head forward to try and see the other girl’s face through the walls of hair.
“I-I’ll be okay.”
Tiffany turned and showed a tiny smile. Taeyeon nodded and shifted her weight a little, causing her phone to slide out of her pocket and hit the wooden floor with a bang!
Tiffany shrieked and threw her arms around Taeyeon. Tiffany breathed rapidly as Taeyeon’s heart was speeding up like a bowling ball. Her cheek brushed Tiffany's as her hands fell to her sides like dead limbs.
She let herself close her eyes until she would miss it.
But Tiffany didn’t say anything for a long time.
“Are you asleep?”
Taeyeon whispered, in her most collected try. And in an instant Tiffany drew away from her, fixing her hair a little.
She shortly said with a tiny smile.
“It’s okay. I think... I think my phone fell on the floor.”
Tiffany leaned back with her back against the couch.
Taeyeon moved similar.
“Do you want something to drink?”
Taeyeon offered kindly. Tiffany thought for a while.
“Do you have anything strong?”
Taeyeon thought Tiffany wanted something to calm her fear down, so she didn’t object.
“I’m not sure. I’ll go look.”


“You handle alcohol very well.”
Taeyeon said as she watched Tiffany finished her second bottle of beer. Tiffany put it down on the table in front of the couch and smiled smitten.
“Drink with me?”
“Um, I can’t. I have to give you a ride home.”
“So if I stay you can drink?”
Tiffany looked expectantly at Taeyeon with her pink cheeks.
Taeyeon clicked her tongue.
“I really, I should get you home safely.”
“It’s not safe here?”
Tiffany ogled around the room, her hair flying directions.
“I wouldn’t want to get you in trouble, or anything, you know.”
Taeyeon kindly answered, and Tiffany suddenly yawned. Taeyeon shifted herself closer and motioned for a lean.
And as Tiffany fully took advantage of that offered shoulder, Taeyeon stared at the black TV not caring that a movie wasn’t playing.


“Okay, okay, get to the point! I have a life too you know! What was it I saw outside of the shop just now?”
Wooyoung nagged in curiosity ending with his eyebrows swaging unsynchronized. Taeyeon bit her lip in a smile as she left the washing machine with Wooyoung following her into the living room.
“She asked if this was…a date.”
His eyes were huge expectantly, sitting down with her at the kitchen table. Taeyeon nodded and tapped the table with her nails.
“YOU DID? How did she react?! Well...obviously good since I saw you got a kiss….”
“On the cheek.”
“But it was a kiss! And actual KISS, and not like one of those you do in your sleep.”
“Oh god shut up.”
“Fine. But what did she say more? Since I’m not superman on daily bases and have super hearing.”
“You are too much.”
“Just tell me!”
“She just said she liked the idea of it being a date.” Tiffany’s smile in Taeyeon’s mind made her smile unknowingly. “And that we, we should be at her place next time…”
Wooyoung threw a fist in the air in brilliant gladness.
“A future invite, and my baby got a kiss…”
“On the cheek! “
“Honey, that’s the most action you have had in years. Do you know how proud I am?”
“Woo, do you know how insanely creepy it is that you are keeping a track on my relationships?”
Taeyeon glared at him.
“Well, what’s there to do? I’m spending all my days with you anyway.”
“You could listen to your damn mp3 player for once.”
Wooyoung pouted and leaned back.
“Be that way, I’m going to sleep. But remember I helped you on your way to some ka-ching!”
Taeyeon leaned forward and rubbed her face, her voice muffled.
“Why do I put up with you?”
Wooyoung got up and walked away smiling.

When Taeyeon pulled her sheets over her tired body, a distant voice suddenly made its way into her ears.
“I love you, sis!”
Taeyeon sat up, placing her hands to her mouth.


Tiffany woke up and stretched her limbs. The sheets high on her body in a comfortable matter.
“O-Ouch, my head.”
Her right hand flew up and caressed her throbbing head. She frowned.
That stupid extra beer I took when I got home… I feel it…
Tiffany’s eyes squinted open in the fully bright room. Her wall clock now in sight.
She cried out as she tried with all her force to get to her bathroom. Unfortunately tripping over her stuffed Totoro animal. She turned to it in pity.
“Why do you make fun of me?!”


“She didn’t come today?”
Wooyoung stood with Taeyeon at the counter, both looking at the dark rain outside the glass door.
Taeyeon leaned on her elbows and sighed.
“And she won’t at all?”
“Guess not.”
Wooyoung pouted with a raised brow.
“It did go well last night, right?”
“I thought so. We watched some more movies, and then we chatted while eating ramen. Then I went home.”
“No action?”
Taeyeon hit his arm.
“Sorry. But, you sure nothing else happened?”
“Yah! Don’t make me feel worse than I already am.”
He felt the uneasiness in Taeyeon and backed off.
“Okay, okay, I’m sorry. Maybe, maybe she was just really late this morning? Or maybe she didn’t bring her umbrella, or perhaps…”
Taeyeon listened but drifted off into what happened last night at Tiffany’s.
She did drink surprisingly a lot last night…did she fall and hurt herself? What if she was robbed after I left! Wait, no, I left really late. But did she lock the door after me!?
She shook her head, all weird scenarios entering her head making her even more stressed. Wooyoung stopped talking and gently brought his hand and patted Taeyeon’s head.
“Don’t be so overprotective. Just because a flower doesn’t grow, doesn’t mean it’s the humans fault for not watering it. You can’t water every flower.”
There was a pause, then Taeyeon looked up at him. Strangely.
Wooyoung removed his hand and scratched the back of his head averting his eyes.
“Woo, who told you you could borrow my movies?”
“I, I, well, I was bored?”
“So you decided to watch a romantic movie by yourself?”
Taeyeon straightened and crossed her arms, feeling her weight on her one foot more than the other.
“Heh…well, I wasn’t really…alone.”
He sheepishly laughed.
“So you watched it with Chansung? Isn’t he…a little too manly for those kinds of movies?”
Taeyeon was digging on, she knew there was something there.
“Yah! Of course I didn’t watch it with him… I, um, I watched it with….Junho.”
“Junho? Who’s that? Is he a friend of Chansung?”
Wooyoung’s eyes rolled as he put on another pout.
Taeyeon yelled out in surprise as it clicked inside of her, her eyes widened. Wooyoung held in a smile while biting his lip.
“Are you!? Hey! Don’t ignore me!”
Taeyeon’s little weight pushed on him, but he kept himself still.
Taeyeon sighed.
“Oh my god.”
“What? Is it that hard to believe?”
“Oh my god.”
“What! Don’t like it?”
“You just... where did you meet him?”
Wooyoung smiled widely, pointing a finger to the floor.
“Oh my god.”
“People must think we are creepy.”
“Why so?”
“Since we don’t have a life of our own to find people in!”
And even though Taeyeon meant it, she couldn't help but to chuckle.
“It's okay, sis. Who knew this tiny shop would be used as a dating spot, anyways?”
“It’s just a simple low priced shop…”
“Not to the gods of love, it aint! Watching us as we grow more and more fond of each other~”
“…seriously, how many moves of mine did you borrow!?”
Wooyoung looked innocently away.
“We liked them…”
“Ugh, just give them back to me when we get home.”
He fiddled with his nails.
“I kind of, let him…borrow them.”
“He said he wanted to watch the bonus material on the movies!”
“Oh my god…”
“Stop saying that! You sound like an old grandmother.”
“You shouldn’t have lent them out, Woo.”
“So I was suppose to say no?”
“Yes! That is what normal people do.”
“See! This is why you haven’t had a relationship since 2002!”
“You have to give to get, hon! Now, if you excuse me, I have some cute texting to do!” Wooyoung dug out his phone and humpf-ed at Taeyeon before averting to the other end of the shop. “You should try it!”
Was the last thing he said.
Taeyeon groaned and fell onto the counter with her arms and face. After a few seconds she quickly straightened herself feeling nothing was being done.
“Woo! Take the counter, I’m going to the storage to clean up a little.”
She didn’t know if he heard, but she tiredly left the counter.


Tiffany rushed into the shop.
She ran up to the counter.
“Hi Wooyoung, um...”
Tiffany looked around, behind herself, behind Wooyoung.
“Where is Taeyeon?
“Oh, she’s in the hospital.”
Wooyoung informed.
Tiffany shrieked and Wooyoung’s ears died.
“Is she sick? Did she get hurt?”
Tiffany rambled worryingly. Wooyoung touched his ear gently with the tip of his fingers then shook his head.
“She was cleaning the storage yesterday and she was reaching for a box which was very high up, and she managed to knock it over and then it fell on her. She should have used a ladder.”
Tiffany was staring at a random spot on the counter.
“Is she… is she going to be okay?”
“I hope so. She has a thick skull”
Why am I feeling like this is my fault? It’s not like if I didn’t come by she…got hurt…right?! I, I can’t help but think it’s because of me, I’m, I’m responsible for this. I need to go to the hospital!
“Why are you staring into outer space, crying?”
Tiffany rushed off and left Wooyoung utterly taken back.

“Was that Tiffany!?”
Taeyeon ran out to the counter after she heard the door slam.
Her eyes met with Wooyoung’s.
“Well it wasn’t Santa Clause dropping by with your forgotten height present.”
He smiled, which annoyed Taeyeon to the max but she tried to focus.
“Why didn’t you stop her?! I haven’t see or talked to her in…”
“Two days.”
“So now you’re a hopeless romantic who can’t live two days without your lover?” Wooyoung laughed amusingly. “Calm down, I just told her you got hurt, which you did.”
Wooyoung poked at Taeyeon’s bound forhead.
“UGH! Why did you do that! It still hurts…”
Taeyeon felt her forhead gently.
“Did you tell her anything else?”
“Nope. Only that you got hurt, then she sprinted off like the runway girl she is.” Taeyeon sighed and Wooyoung frowned. “Why are you awake by the way? You are supposed to be sleeping! You shouldn’t even be here in the first place. Why couldn’t you just have slept at home instead of that couch back there?”
“I had a bad dream.”
“You burned this shop down.”
“Like that would ever happen.”
Wooyoung shrugged his shoulders and ogled the empty store.
“You didn’t sound that sure when your flat iron almost burned down our kitchen curtains. “
“…they were ugly anyway.”
“So that gives you the right to burn them down?”
“I would be saving the environment.”
“Really now…”
“Yes! It’s probably where you got you fashion from too. They deserve to die.”
“Can you just, like, stop talking about my fashion? It’s not the end of the world. I happen to like it.”
“You liked when you walked around in a plastic bag as well.”
“I was 4!”
“See! It even started at such young age.”
Wooyoung sniffed out fake tears. Taeyeon groaned, and thinking too much made her head hurt even more.
“I’m just... I’m going back to sleep. Wake me when it’s time to go home.”
“Sure, sis. Oh wait!”
Taeyeon turned around tiredly.
“Can you please stop moaning Tiffany’s name in your sleep? You are scaring away our ghostly hallows.”
Wooyoung smiled with a tilt. Taeyeon’s eyes bulged.
“What!? I-I don’t-”
“Just kidding! Sleep tight!”
Taeyeon calmed down and breathed through her nose, slowly.
“…I’m thinking very very...very bad things about you now. Watch yourself.”
Then she walked went back to the couch in the back.
“Love you too, sis!”


Where is she, where is she, where is she, where is she...
Tiffany sat at home, in her bedroom, on her bed her back against the board, holding her knees.
“Maybe she already signed out. It’s so late now, I can’t go back.”
She worried about Taeyeon since she couldn’t find her in the hospital.
The best thing was to sleep on it, and go back to the shop tomorrow before work.
She turned to her bedside table and set her clock early.


Wooyoung inspected the scratch carefully. He hummed for a second before speaking.
“It looks okay, are you feeling better?”
“Yeah. I think I can remove it now.” Taeyeon got up from her chair and went over to a mirror. “Well, call me Harry Potter.”
Taeyeon looked at the wound. Like a crack in her forehead starting from where her hair is set, it moved down 2 centimeters.
Wooyoung stood behind her.
“Hmm maybe just put a small bandit on it so it doesn’t get infected.”
Taeyeon nodded.


“She’s on her way! And she’s walking pretty quickly!”
Wooyoung yelled out in a hushed voice from the glass door, then quickly sprinted off to set the cans on top of each other, for the 5th time that morning.
Taeyeon’s heart was beating heavily and quickly. It felt like she had missed her way too much. Like it wasn't normal.
Tiffany pushed through the door and her eyes widened with happiness as she saw the little frame standing by the counter like nothing had happened. She walked slowly up to the smiling girl until they came face to face.
“H-Hi Taeyeon.”
“Um, do... do you…remember me?”
Tiffany looked hopefully at Taeyeon, hoping the damage to her head didn’t cause her to forget her.
“Of course I do.”
Taeyeon laughed, her eyes squinted a little as she observed Tiffany’s worried behavior.
“I, I heard you hurt your head. Are you okay?”
“Oh, yeah it was just… I didn’t feel a thing when it happened. But now I’m almost fixed.”
Taeyeon smiled and pointed at the small bandit on her forehead.
Tiffany breathed out, but was still worried.
An Ice cream then suddenly landed on the counter. Wooyoung smiled and got back to his section.
“So.” Taeyeon chuckled. “One Twister to go?”
Tiffany’s intention in the first place wasn’t to buy a Twister, but she nodded anyways and fished out some coins.
But as Taeyeon quietly counted them, Tiffany still worried. She watched the bandit wound for another second then bit her lip.
Please don’t get hurt anymore. I’ll be sure to always be here. I feel bad when I don’t’ know if you are okay or not and, I, I wonder If you know that I like you… a lot. Watching you now I, I don’t know if I have made it clear enough. I don’t want to have you and then lose you in another second.
Tiffany’s eyes were on Taeyeon’s hands now. One coin left, there, taken, then Taeyeon opened the cash register.
And that’s when Tiffany couldn’t take it anymore.
She rounded the counter making Taeyeon look up hastily to what the girl was doing. Then Taeyeon felt hands on each side of her head and in an instant, soft pink lips collided with hers.
Taeyeon dropped the coins, feeling her limbs having lost strength. She could only moan as Tiffany moved her body onto hers and intensifying her kissing. Tiffany pushed her against the cash register which shut with force and made a ka-ching sound.

Wooyoung was silently smiling to himself, trying to hide behind the mountain of beans as if he wasn't there.
He chuckled to himself.
Told you sis, now you gotta thank me big, big time!

Because it fitted.

x: tiffany, fanwork: fanfiction, x: wooyoung, pairing: taeny, fandom: snsd, x: taeyeon

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