
Jan 17, 2010 14:33

Well, at least I updated before a whole year had gone past - I had no idea it had been so long.

So what's new?   I have recently become a total addict to Dragon Age: Origins.

Especially Alistair.

And it may sound strange, but he reminds me so. damn. much. of Joscelin from the Kushiel series, who I imagine as this sort of perfect man (the kind of perfect that you can really only get out of a fictional character).  And oddly enough, playing DA:O and getting to know Alistair gave me a new perspective on Joscelin, so that I reread the third Kushiel book with totally new eyes (they'd need to be new, since I think this is my fourth time to read the series).

I've never had a problem identifying with Phedre's suffering at Darsanga.  I mean, holy crap.  That is some seriously dark shit she goes through.  My dark nights of the soul have not been on that scale, but I've fallen to my own degradation and learned the hard way how awful and terrible I can be.  I can appreciate her suffering.

But Joscelin.

I never really paid attention to his suffering, before, I guess.  I mean, clearly it would be hard.  But somehow, coming off of DA:O, I just felt in tune to Joscelin's suffering in a way that I never have before.  It makes me like him all that much more.

And even now, a few days later, I can feel chills up my spine thinking about him in Darsanga, in the middle of a fight for Phedre, gripping her arms tightly and telling her that he would kill them both if he thought he could do it quickly enough.  The perfect champion, living through his own complete hell, on the verge of madness.

It's just wow.

kushiel, dragon age, alistair

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