Title: (none)
Fandom: One Piece
Pairing/Characters: Ace --->Rufi?
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Probably
Warnings: nah.
Word Count: unknown
Disclaimer: One Piece is not mine, but everything else here is. o.o
Permission to Archive: No.
Status: Unfinished, Shelved
Date Written or First Posted:
04.18.04Notes: Not really fic, just character introspection
...and no matter how I try to slow it, time just keeps moving on. It doesn't matter if I want it or not, it's an unavoidable fact that I've been here too long, and I'll have to be leaving soon. It doesn't matter the friends I've made, or how much it's going to hurt to leave my brother behind again, it's something I have to do. I have a different life now, and a loyalty beyond him.
It's not to say that he's not important to me, or that this doesn't matter-- it does. A lot. Maybe more than I want it to.
But time just keeps moving.
...and I have to be moving on.
//It's been awhile now
Since I saw your face last
Smiling, carefree.
It's been some time
Since I could touch you;
Call you mine.
But I haven't forgotten
And your smoke and mirrors game
Laughing in my head just keeps calling me back.
Calling me back.
I can't stay, though I want to
And time just keeps moving on.
I couldn't change it,
And I have to be moving on...//
Blah. I had something when I started there, but I lost it.
Please shoot me, kthnx.