Oct 13, 2005 16:38
call me mean, but i'm a little skeptical of all this fema hurricane business. fuck. its not just fema its all the organizations helping. poorly run is all i have to say. the other day at work i got to take my first red cross discover card. for those who don't know, it is money the red cross is giving people in the form of a credit card that is supposed to be used to help replace things that were lost so they can maintain some sort of normal life. which apparently means lots of gold hoop earrings and bonnie bell lip gloss. cause thats what they bought. and she made a huge point of making sure i knew it was tax exempt. we don't want to waste any of that money on taxes now. its an exciting thought that donations you could have made have bought nights in condos in gatlinburg, or d&b purses, or just gaudy cheap earrings. its not that i'm not grateful that i'm not in their shoes, or that i don't think some people need help, but i'm tired of hearing "where's my aid" it's money to get your life back together, it's not like when you pop out kids and expect wic or welfare to give you money. stop sucking the tit people.
i feel like i should once again say i agree with the idea of wic and welfare; to an extent. some people really need those options and i know people who have used them and not abused them. i'm currently bitching about the people who feel they need to ride the governments coattails in order to survive. i actually know people who are encouraged to have more children, because it means more aid!