kawaiikon 2007!

May 04, 2007 18:34

kawaiikon 2007!

- the first day -

got to the convention site a little early, so i hung out w/lisa and richie in their hotel room till i had to go stand in line to register.

about a half hour after registration opened, i was STILL in the freakin' line... same spot. while all the other lines... well... long story short: robyn came, left, came back again, left and i was STILL in line.

all because the girls ahead were trying to get their stuff... but apparently were cutting school. so that sucked. WTF...

after of which, wandered around... went to the manga library to poke robyn... before heading to main events w/lisa-tachi.

met up with amanda. whoo hoo. we went shopping. the dealer's room this year was surprisingly large... and so... we were like the first 10 ppl in.


and i will get u back girl, since she snuck pearl into my backpack since i refused to let her give me back 10 dollars... that i owed her... but yet.. GRRRR~!

but thank you! i have only played for about 8 hours or so... T_T i haven't tweaked that much. lol.

i scored shin who gave me good luck ALL weekend. <3 u shin!

and bought robyn's present... and amanda shopped for penny... and we spent lots of money... and then we had BBQ for lunch...mmmm...

which... scarily enough, i couldn't finish. too... much... food...

went back... wow... bought monkey_ame's doujin... said hi to janice and asked where the hell betty was. lol.

got back and robyn and amanda stole the doujin from me... wow... robyn eventually got me to pick one up for her. FOR HER!

mansex cures everything! GO MANSEX! lol.

though there was really no mansex.

played in the yu gi oh qualifier... finished 2nd. i loathe yet love snatch steal.

after the tournament, me and amanda went into the yaoi room. haha... the voice track was playing too fast so... it didn't sound right. it also didn't help that they weren't doing anything so.... we went to the dance.

which kicked @$$.

i love the haruhi skittles AMV.

it was super awesome.

- the 2nd day -

wow... don't remember much.

but amanda stayed the night with us.

hrmn... went shopping again... didn't buy much... wow... second day blank... but narah and chris showed up so that was cool seeing them again.

got free DVD from ADV again... and an answer to my question for my japanese project.

checked out janice in her roxas costume.


she looked so awesome.

and betty in the maid outfit!

night came... went to the travis willingham unplugged panel...

robyn wanted to go back after she got off work..

she changed her mind.

we love travis now.

he didn't know what yuri was. lol. but we showed him... or rather, monica did... after she spanked a girl w/the yuri paddle.

- the 3rd day -

got breakfast to go.

tim, aline and josh showed up! whoo hoo! haven't seen tim in a while.

and sharon popped by the day before... i forgot about that. lol.

played in the finals.

first round... wow... almost didn't get it. whew.

second round... vs. nolan... scared stiff again. had to play to 4 since SOMEONE had to set off ring of destruction to kill us both. some unfair/weird rulings were set off for that match... like how i lost my monster but nolan got to keep his, or how i got to choose to go first even though nolan tied it. 0_o but... got it. whew.

3rd round vs. kapp. almost didn't think i'd get it. lost the first game... decked him out in the second... thank you don! <3 XOXO! last game ...

well, everyone was STARING.

it was like... omg... stop STARING!

and i got it... so...


and then during closing ceremonies, lisa let the director know that i won the xbox...

this is AFTER the yu gi oh video won the video contest.

see? children's card games win everything.

they do indeed.

the SOS Dan!

no seriously, they did a really good job dancing.

i had one more pic, but i think my friend might be like 'omg! not again!'


FF and KH group shot. there were a lot of clouds and tifas here.

oh hell yes. <3 goes out to monkey_ame.

pokemon theft! someone doesn't have pearl or diamond!

lol. there's not that much more, but if you would like to see more... send a message and i'll send u the gallery link and password. =P

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