(no subject)

Jun 16, 2005 19:48

so very tired right now, class was alright it was kind of boring today. we were talking about the revoluntionary war today and for some reason it brought up the subject of how my teacher thinks its kind of disgusting that katie holmes and tom cruise are dating. personally i really dont care about it, its going to end up just like every other celebrity relationship, it wont last very long. to be honest i really dont think its disgusting ive seen worse relationships than those two so yeah. i dont know what im going to do this weekend, i have a test tomorrow on a day where there is no school its actually a make up day for the 4th of july. i guess im going to see howl's moving castle this weekend, but it comes down to how i feel i have been feeling pretty crappy for a couple of days and it really sucks. i dont know if its the fact that i dont have a job or maybe something else. this might be kind of stupid to ask, but i have to get it off of my back. here it goes, how do you tell someone you care about them without destroying a good friendship between the two? there i got it over with. now i will leave you and study for my test tomorrow and then i need to go to eagle transmission b/c they need to turn off that little engine light off so i can pass my safety inspection. well thats it for today i will see everyone later. PEACE!!

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