Well sunday I woke up with the only cold. EVER!
I still fighting it now. kinda got a nasty cold going on right now. But sunday was just a rest day and a much needed one at that. I slept ALLDAY! I haen't done that since...wellit's been a while.
Today my little class of 9 students went to the united nation. it was ok, only 6 of us showed up but the prof paid for lunch, which kinda made up for the fact that we spent 11 bucks on a corny one hour tour that gave us information that we could have gotten off line...but free food made up for it ^_^
as of right now...still sick finishing up my second to last final that is due tomorrow...the prof gave us two weeks to complete and I just started it. Something to do with what kind of jobs can we get with our intended major and what not. Then after finding out all this information do we still want to go into said major....I found out I still do.. I have big dreams man BIG DREAMS!
and so I leave you with a funny video
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