30 day J-rock meme(your favorite J-rock video) and others part 2

Oct 07, 2010 10:38

somy job is haveing yet another type of fair but not with food...persay. its with the miso mascot, this huge krillin looking thing that even the employees were taken pictures with him -_-. It's never a dull day at mitsuwa. never just a clam weekend nope there is ALWAYS something going on there. but its ok sometimes I guess. Now fighting a cold on topof a hangover...not good. Gotta head to class in a half hour so I want to finish this 30 meme thingy that I keepputting off so Ikuzo

Day 1: Your favorite J-Rock group.
Day 2: Your least favourite J-Rock group.
Day 3: The most overrated J-Rock group.
Day 4: The most underrated J-Rock group.
Day 5: Your favorite J-Rock song.
Day 6: Your favourite J-Rock video.
Day 7: A J-Rock song that makes you cry.
Day 8: A J-Rock song you know all the words to.
Day 9: Your favorite J-Rock performance.
Day 10: How you first got into J-Rock.
Day 11: The very first J-Rock song you ever heard.
Day 12: Your favourite J-Rock singer.
Day 13: Your favourite J-Rock drummer.
Day 14: Your favourite J-Rock guitarist.
Day 15: Your favourite J-Rock bassist.
Day 16: Your favorite J-Rock lyric (and a translation).
Day 17: Your ultimate J-Rock idol.
Day 18: Your favourite J-Rock cover song.
Day 19: Best live J-Rock group.
Day 20: Your favorite picture of your J-Rock idol.
Day 21: Your favourite piece of J-Rock merchandise.
Day 22: Your favorite picture of your favorite J-Rock group.
Day 23: Your favourite J-Rock tour.
Day 24: A J-Rock song that makes you happy.
Day 25: A J-Rock group that you have seen live.
Day 26: Your favourite interview with a J-Rock group.
Day 27: A J-Rock member that you would like to meet.
Day 28: A J-Rock group you wish would get back together.
Day 29: A J-Rock song you never get tired of.
Day 30: Your favourite J-Rock album.

This was kinda hard since I don't really like watching music videos so I really don't have a forvite but when in doubt iny meny miny mo always works for me XD this what I got

image Click to view

Thankyou that is all XD
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