
Jun 17, 2007 07:33


First of all. Picspams I did in the past that I might as well link (since I've seen people do that in other comms, why not share the love? And plus, kakasheva has been a little quiet lately, so I'm trying [hardly] to contribute and keep it active).

Andriy and/or Ricky: 1 2 3 4 5

Various football (soccer): 1 2 3

The picspams or the various are of various footballers (duh), but I'm pretty sure Andriy and/or ricky is there somewhere. Maybe not, but some people might be interested anyway.

Second. A general drabble of Andriy. (Though it could be slash if that's your interpretation.)

Title: When birds chirp in the dark
Rating: G
Characters: Andriy Shevchenko
Warning: unbeta drabble?
Disclaimer: Andriy's real, and this situation could be real, but the likeliness of it? Who knows.
Summary: Birds are chirping in the dark and Andriy is awake.

( Andriy sits on his sofa until he hears birds chirping in the dark. )

andriy shevchenko, pictures, kakà, kakà/sheva, fics

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