Title: Playing the Game
Amrun Genre: Gen/HurtComfort
Characters/Pairings: Kakashi/Sakura
Rating: M
Wordcount: ~217k
Summary: By night, she dreamed of killing him, of playing her hand all at once and going out in a blaze of glory. By day, she kowtowed with just enough stiffness to show him her fantasies. In return, he forced her moves like she was just a piece on his shogi board - and she was. Kakasaku, Spoilers up to Manga 452
Notes: We are into part 2 of this story; it's already long and getting longer, but now is an EXCELLENT time to join and come along for the ride. It is rated M for a reason; the themes are ADULT. The story is a bildungsroman, or a coming of age story, with themes of sexuality, brutality, and occasional gore. It is not a fluffy romance, though the pairing is an eventual promise. I say this so that no one is surprised or accidentally traumatized. (It's not all Sad and Bad things, though, I promise!)
FF.net links:
Playing the Game, Chapter 1Playing the Game, Chapter 29