Community Chat: Fantastic Friday Edition!

Oct 04, 2013 15:55

Community Happenings: Fanfiction

Bloom to Butterfly*** by skylar_inari
2 Drabbles - Scope & Enough** by blackestfaery
Finding Your Soul* by 1carinoinu
Lens of Truth* by kanames_harisen

Community Happenings: Fanart


Contests and Challenges

Voting for the KakaSaku AU Challenge has ended! The competition was incredibly fierce! And the banners are here!

PSSST! Can you keep a secret? The Underneath the Underneath Challenge deadline has passed!

The Role Reversal Challenge banners have been posted! (And they are super pretty!)

The KakaSaku Horror Challenge has begun! Go get a prompt! Go! Go! Go!

Other Community News

Our Dreamwidth branch is still going strong! If you're interested in joining up over there, here's a link to our community code--free journals for all!


It's that time of year again - the one where we suggest contests and chat about the comm! So!

So, on the comm front:

What have we done this year that you'd like to do again?

What we can do to make the comm more fun or active?

Is there anything you think that we should try?

Killaurey and I are thinking about doing six contests per comm next year. That'd be twelve contests total and give everyone about two months to work on their contest entry. What do you think of that idea?

And now for the super fun part: THE CONTESTS!

What contests (writing, art, or both) would you like to do again?

Or is there a contest that you'd like to try out for the first time?

Have you got an idea for a contest format that we haven't tried yet? Let us know!

Have something super fun to suggest? Leave a comment!

Later this month we'll take all of your contest suggestions, put them in a list, and then do a ginormous voting post either at the end of October or early in November. so, uh, we'll be peeking back at this post from time to time. LET US COLLECT ALL YOUR THOUGHTS AND PUT THEM IN JARS AND NAME THEM AFTER COLORS!! *coughs* So, uh, we'd really appreciate your input!

comm, community chat, chat, fanfic

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