Community Chat: Tasty Thursday Edition!

Feb 14, 2013 20:23

Hopefully, I'll remember that I'm doing chats on Thursday now. Hopefully...

Community Happenings: Fanfiction

Try*** by celtic_sakura
One Day at a Time*** by lolalots
Cherry Blossom*** by lolalots
Eye for an Eye*** by lolalots
A Cupid's Story* by kagomaru
Playing the Game: Chapters 18 & 19* by tiredbuthyper
When Everything Changed* by autumn_glory
Dresser Drawer* by moodiful819
14 Gifts* by 1carinoinu

Community Happenings: Fanart

Heroes and Villains Entry** by denilmo
Happy Valentine's Day* by serenitytouched

Contests and Challenges

For the artists, The KakaSaku Heroes and Villains Contest has ended! The contests banners are here!

On our DW comm, the Last Fan Standing challenge has ended! Go and read the entries here.

And, finally, for the writers, the KakaSaku Song Challenge has begun! Get thee forth and sign up!

Other Community News

Our Dreamwidth branch is still going strong! If you're interested in joining up over there, here's a link to our community code--free journals for all!

foxyninja has made an absolutely amazing KakaSaku AMV!***

1toomanycookies is looking for a KakaSaku fic***


Happy Valentine's Day, everyone! Write one sentence or do a doodle for whatever your working on right now and post it here! And have fun!

community chat, fanmix, chat, fanfic, fanart

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