I was lucky enough to pull
oroburos69's By Land and By Sea fanmix!
Okay, so I find music to be a really, really inspiring thing to write to as evidenced by this fic. I actually ended up cutting the story in two when I realized that there was a clean divide in the material. Anyway, I'm still uploading the chapters (because it is long and I'm a slooow editor) but the first chapters for each section are linked below.
Title: By Land
Fandom: Naruto
Rating: R
Content Notes: Gore and mentions of torture
Disclaimer: I have no rights to or within the Naruto franchise, copyright, or trademark. This is for fun, not profit.
Summary: When Yamato is captured, Sakura volunteers to resolve the situation. Permanently.
Additional Notes: Written for the KakaSaku LJ Community's Reverse Big Bang Challenge, the "washing/cleaning" square on my kink bingo card, and the "experiments by evil scientists" square on my h/c bingo card. The entirety of this fic (and its prequel) was inspired by oroburos69's fanmix and fanart both of which can be found
Chapter One - Sakura is maybe the tiniest bit in love with Team Yamato.
Title: By Sea (Sequel to By Land)
Fandom: Naruto
Rating: R
Content Notes: Gore and mentions of non-consensual donation of genetic material.
Disclaimer: I have no rights to or within the Naruto franchise, copyright, or trademark. This is for fun, not profit.
Summary: When Kakashi goes MIA on an ANBU mission, Sakura decides that the first step in getting him back is to poison (Yamato and) the Yamanaka clan. The second step is to actually go rescue him.
Additional Notes: Written for the KakaSaku LJ Community's Reverse Big Bang Challenge, the "sleepy/unconscious" square on my kink bingo card, and the "alien abduction" square on my h/c bingo card. The entirety of this fic (and it's sequel) was inspired by oroburos69's fanmix and fanart both of which can be found
Chapter One - "You were very brave, sensei."