Community Chat - Best Ideas Ever...

Nov 27, 2011 18:54

Community Chat - It was the Best Idea Ever at the time...

Okay, so this is subtle_shades and I'm pitch-hitting due to Acts of God.  Seriously!  And I've only threatened to destroy everything LJ has ever loved twice!  (Does that mean I have to eradicate goats?  And the promises to kick LJ in the head don't count...)  Hopefully, I won't break anything irreplaceable while I'm running things.  No guarantees, though.

Community Happenings: Fanfiction
Winning You Over* by trinnerti
Nameless* and Intoxicating* by shirata
Seeking Rin* by skylar_inari
Sticks and Stones*** by superduperotaku (Super NSFW)
A Little Too Open** by subtle_shades
Seduction** by oroburos69

Community Happenings: Fanart
Y so sad, Kakashi?*** by serenitytouched

DW Community
Nothing this week!

Other Community Happenings
I'm not sure when nimblnymph is closing this post about next year's contests and challenges, but before she does, you should head on over and cast your vote for SIX challenges you'd be interested in seeing and participating in!

We're changing to a new community layout in January and we need a new banner for it! Check out  this post for details on how to submit your art.

cheekypo is masterminding and spearheading a community holiday exchange.  It'll work like a Secret Santa thing. Go HERE to read the rules then leave a comment with the necessary information!  Go!  Feel the joy of giving!  And receiving!  The more people who give, the more we all receive!
Contests and Challenges
nimblnymph is hosting the Silence is Golden Challenge.  Check it out if you haven't already because it looks mighty cool.

Featured Member
sureasdawn is our featured member this month!  Show your love over  HERE!

Community Chat!

So the kids next door are playing basketball.  There's no dribbling but there's a lot of running, screaming and sticks.  Yeah, sticks.  They're flailing them, stabbing each other with them and generally attempting to take someone's eye out.  Not that they see it that way.  And to be fair, I played a rugby game like that as a kid except we had sticks, full body tackles and rotting crabapples as part of our game.  Until there was a really unfortunate incident involving someone's eyeball, it seemed like a Really Good Idea.

But then, so did mouthing off to that knight who threatened to beat me down and gut me.  (I'm not kidding!  Brutal honesty can be brutal!)  And so did giving myself the rest of the day off every time some joker called a bomb threat into my high school.  (In retrospect, the teachers might've wanted to know where we were.  Also, swimming without a lifeguard is bad.)  Lightsaber battles. (With PVC pipe sabers...)  Attending those parties with the Film College also falls into this category.  (Most. Awkward.  Parties.  Ever.)

So I have to ask... what are some of the things that you've done that seemed like the Best Idea Ever at the time but, in retrospect, were not so much?  You don't have to be sadder off of those experiences... just wiser.  (Even if the only wisdom you've gained is that whatever it was is only fun once.)

author: sureasdawn, author:oroburos69, author: skylar_inari, community chat, chat, author: subtle_shades, artist: serenitytouched

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