Happy Sunday, folks! I hope you're having a beautiful day in your neck of the woods. I know I am. It's finally raining, yay!
Community Happenings: Fanfiction
Masquerade*** by
pockyphoto Reason - Chapter 18*** by
serenitytouchedSeeking Rin -
Chapter Five*** and
Chapter Six* by
skylar_inari Broken Pieces - Chapter Five*** by
nimblnymph Reflection*** by
juniper_11 To Write Love On Her Arms - Chapter Three* by
edellin Community Happenings: Fanart
None for now. But it looks like that will be changing soon~
Other Community Happenings
Remember when we all sat down and thought of the most epic contest/challenge ideas ever? Yeah, me too. It turns out we have too many challenges, and not enough time! So
nimblnymph put up a poll for us. Click
here to vote for the six that you want to see next year. And for the challenges that don't make it? Write something for it anyway, just for fun!
Contests & Challenges
Let's all congratulate the winners of
skylar_inari's Fable Challenge:
superduperotaku in the Fanfiction category and
oroburos69 and in the Fanart category. Good job, you two, and a big fat high five to everyone who participated. All of the entries were fantastic.
The Silence is Golden Contest has officially started.
nimblnymph posted the guidelines and all that fancy stuff right over
here, so if you're an artist, check it out. It should be fun!
This past week has been pretty hectic in the janually household. I'll keep it simple. In my family, there are a lot of clashing personalities. My brother-in-law and me are the most laid back by far. His wife, on the other hand, is a complete stress case, and my mother is a little bit neurotic as well. And my twin sister and my dad both have some anger issues that they need to work out.
Yesterday morning I caught my dad shouting expletives at the Keurig coffee machine he bought my mom for Christmas. Why was he cursing at the coffee machine, you ask? Because it wasn't working fast enough for him. And when I asked him if I could help, he made sure I knew exactly how I couldn't help, and sent me up to my room.
But he's not all bad. When he's not screaming at inanimate objects, he has a habit of waking me up with breakfast burritos and sending me to bed with hot chocolate. When he's in a good mood, he's really fun to talk to because he doesn't take everything too seriously like some dads do. And he's always bringing me home something tasty from the store whenever he goes, even when I don't ask him. My sisters, even though they're half crazy, have their positive quirks as well! My older sister likes to sing little jingles to herself when she's doing homework (think Jess from New Girl, but instead of singing actual words, she just makes random noises). And my twin can be hilarious when she's not being moody. My mom is a frugal person, but once you get her spending, she will graciously buy you a few things (and then a few more, if there's a sale). And even though my brother-in-law can be annoying, most of the time, he's the perfect Disney movie marathon partner.
But enough about my family: tell me about yours. What are some of the negative and positive quirks your family has?