Community Happenings: Fanfiction
Everyday** by
corydrane A Cookie Mystery*** by
moldycookies Chapter 26 of
Reflection*** by
juniper_11 Unnecessary Injuries*** by
sureasdawn Rocket Science** by
seoinage Community Happenings: Fanart
Untitled work of fanart* by
oelly Kittens*** by
oelly Let's Go Fishing*** by
cheekypo Ambush*** by
katzenherrin (NSFW)
Other Community Happenings
Congratulations to
pockyphoto for
winning the Poe Challenge! What a feat.
The current challenge is the
Blindfold Challenge hosted fittingly by
superduperotaku . Extra spots seem to have been added so there is still room to sign up by February 13th, which is this Sunday. This contains NSFW material so view at your own discretion, but once you pass your discretion's test, have fun at what promises to be an exciting community activity!
Community Chat
Do you currently follow the Naruto manga/anime or have you, like me, fallen behind?