Title: Crimson Fall
Anime: Naruto
Pairing: Kakashi x Sakura
Chapter: 2
Word Count: 2,519
Rating: T (This chapter)
Disclaimer: NARUTO © 1999 by MASASHI KISHIMOTO/SHUEISHA Inc and assorted corporations who bought various rights to it. Only the plot and OCs are mine.
A/N: Please be advised that the intended pace is slow and steady. Pretend you're out taking a stroll and smelling all the roses along the way. This is unbeta'd so any mistakes are purely mine.
Previous Chapters:
1 |
( Fleetingly... ) Constructive criticisms and comments always welcomed. I continually edit so let me know if you find something I need to fix!
BTW, if someone would like to beta this story, please let me know. I'd really appreciate it. ♥