Story information
Title: Casting Stones
Genre: Drama/Romance
Words: 33,671
Rating: M
Warnings: adult themes, language, thematic elements
Summary: After years of iron rule, Root has fallen. Dutybound to sort through its orphans, Sai is faced with a girl whose parentage has haunted him. Pink hair and gray eyes stare him down.
FFN Adaptation information
Film: Doctor Zhivago
Year: 1965
Director: David Lean
Main roles: Omar Sharif as Doctor Yuri Zhivago; Julie Christie as Lara Antipova
Wikipedia - Please read the summary here if you want to be familiar with the movie before reading. It's not necessary to have seen the movie before.
Edit: All five chapters are up! It might take a little bit for them to show up on the site, but they've been uploaded!