From Twitter 05-07-2011

May 08, 2011 03:02

  • 08:46:35: @ Bubblejet I was injured, spent part of recovery in a wheelchair. I don't know how you move in that thing!
  • 08:49:19: @ Bubblejet I noticed them before, but now they blare at me: narrow hallways, doorways...tables are Never right...steps and stairs
  • 08:51:08: @ Bubblejet it must be even worse in Britain, with history being a blockade to changing things so they are accessible.
  • 08:57:20: @ Cumberholmes why is it 'cheating' on your work? I'd call it polyamoury!
  • 08:58:54: @ Bubblejet I am at home! In crutches!
    ...but the tables still fight you. D:
  • 10:22:49: @ Cumberholmes 'open marriage'?

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