do you realize that happiness makes you cry

Nov 10, 2007 00:08

What a day. one fucking day. It was something of a yin yang.
It started out real sucky. Today was my day for registering for classes. When it came down to it, the system basically said most of my classes were not available. Plus, according to a teacher, the classes for my major weren't available. That got me so upset. it was a strggle to keep myself from crying in front of the teacher.

Another semester without photograhy? yes, that would make me cry. I'd just take more ceramics classes if the teacher i talked to didn't offer to pull strings for me. I'm thankful that he'd consider working those things out for me.

When all that shitty registration stuff was going on, chaz was upset about...i have no idea really. he got practically no sleep the night before and was being crabby about me coming over and wanting a nap blah blah blah.

On the flip side of all that bs at school i was having a good time in my ceramics class. wheel throwing is fun and decorating the pots are even better even if it's time consuming.

Kim and I hung out tonight and we had a good time at this place called the Huka Lounge. We played Uno (yay dorkiness) and smoked a passion fruit/tobacco mix. Tasty. So tasty in fact, Kim and I implusively splurged on a hookah.

We brought it back to Kim's apartment and set it up. We chose a pomegranite mix. Oh that was even better than the passion fruit. It's a cute hookah with black glass a grape vine decorations.

There's no tar and only a small amount of nicotine compared with a cigarette...oh and no unpleasant smell (the Lounge didn't allow cigarette smoking inside). I have a tiny headache from the stuff. It's a nice thing to have around at a party. I recommend everyone try a hookah at least once!

school, hookah

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