Apr 12, 2004 23:29
Back from Seattle and glad to be back...well more than I thought I would be. Maybe it was the day of traveling that made me want to poke my eyes out and just be off a plane. My Mom called me from somewhere in eastern Washington and I told her I didn't want to leave. She wasn't too pleased.
So yes, my break was amazing. I love Seattle. I still think sometimes I was born in the wrong place. There's something about being out there that just feels right. I love Boston, it will always be my home, I do but I love Seattle. I could see myself out there. I got my nose hoop changed, I saw the Emilie and the Andymerm and the Jesse, AND a John before he goes off and does his army thing. GI John, it's funny because it's true. But it was good to see him, even if it wasn't for long because who knows when I get to see that guy again. He's good people.
Montanama was great. That's all I can really say about that. I mean damn. Yeah it was a long drive but it was so so worth it. So ridiculously beautiful, such a good time. There's nothing like it. I wish I could have stayed longer, I did contemplate dropping out and starting a new life out west, hey man, it's happened before. It seemed like I got there and then it was over, but I guess that always happens with really good things. They happen so fast and then are over before you even realize it.
Anyhow, I'm back. I missed my home people. Don't think I neglected you guys. I LOVE YOU LIKE WHOA too. My suitemates and EVERYONE. And Alia even if I went to Seattle with her...it was like I barely saw her. Well it was like I was barely there.
There's a part of my heart that is somewhere way out there,
And at the risk of sounding horribly emo, I'm done :)