So. With my access to a computer, I have renewed almost all of my addictions. Surprised? Yeah, me neither. :D
The BIGGEST one is SGA. I have watched through half of season one, and then I was feeling nostalgic for Ronon, so I downloaded season two. Aaaaaand now I'm re-addicted.
Missy, I blame you.
DragonVale is an ongoing addiction, more iPad related than compy related, but I figured it should go up here with everything else. And DVale, I have a complaint -- TIME. I have to wait so friggin' long for incubation for the eggs, and then for them to hatch! REAL TIME HOURS. Ugh. But seriously, it's a real time game, so when the egg is gonna take 48 hours to incubate AND 48 hours to hatch? That's four days of waiting. I am not a patient person, no sirree.
Tumblr is, as ever, a time-suck. A wonderful, amazing, hilarious, outstanding, madcap time-suck, but still. I have literally lost track of time while on it, which I had forgotten happens, and almost did a triple-take at my clock the other day when I looked up from my monitor.
Plurk is a continuing thing. It's not so much an addiction as it's a daily part of my routine. I check my plurk hourly, at least, and really it's more regular than my mail.
GLITCH. Have any of you heard of Glitch? It's a fun, quirky, odd, strange, downright weird online game, but still ridiculously addictive. Tria got me hooked on it about a week and a half ago, but as of 11pm tonight it's closing down for good. :( Issues with funding and such, and the staff and creators of Glitch can no longer support the game, so… doneski. Which makes me sad, but, what can you do?
SO! How have you guys been? I know, I've returned within a week! MIRACULOUS! Still feels like I don't talk to you guys enough. :(
/hugs you all wicked tight