School updates~

Sep 02, 2010 08:53

ETA: That whole post comments from LJ to Twitter and Facebook thing? Yeah, it's a piece of shit. You guys are all my friends because I trust you not to go and redistribute my private/locked posts around the internet. Not that I think any of you will, but just wanted to put that out there. >"| Stupid LJ. Why can't you have good update improvements? I fail to see how this is an improvement at all.

So, school has started. I'm pretty sure I already posted about this, but I forget so I'mma post about it again. XD My school -- brilliant as it is -- decided to shift around all of the classes the first morning of school. This led to lots of confusion, and students arriving in the classroom their schedule says is theirs, but turns out is not. A few notable instances: there was a kid in my World Lit class that thought he was in his math class, and a student in my Philo class who seemed to think we were in Psych (he didn't leave until the class was almost over, either).

I have discovered that I have something of a mean streak. It amuses me to no end to watch the first years struggling with their books and their schedules and trying to find the right buildings. Because, I mean, it's hilarious. They don't buy their books until the first day of school, and then have to walk around campus carrying this plastic bag weighed down with three or four huge textbooks, while consulting their schedules in their other hand and peering around to try and figure out which building is which. Then, with the room switcheroo, they are even more confused. The look on this one kid's face when I told him that his building was across campus was awesome.

So, yeah. I love my classes so far. Taking a Mythology and Folklore class and it's so much fun. My Philo teacher is so strange it's endearing. He goes off on tangents about landscaping, of all things, right in the middle of his lecture. Then he'll point at the board -- in between talking about shrubs and soil density -- and say, "anything I write up there will be on the test," before launching right back into his speech. It's so amusing, I swear it's been so long since I laughed in class this much. My World Lit teacher is just like a big kid. We're reading Gilgamesh, and he manages to make it more interesting, and amusing at the same time.

I think this semester is going to be great. :D

Also: wrote a bit of Inception fic. It's a 'five times' prompt from the kinkmeme. It's… not my best, though. I don't think I have a very good grasp on Arthur yet; he's very smart, and that's probably why I'm having a hard time with him. And Eames is such a flirt I can't write his scenes without blushing. >_<

Anyway, that's my update, flist!! *loves you all*

inception, college, real life

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