Jan 04, 2010 17:16
Hello, my wonderful flist!
Yes, I am aware that New Year's was a couple of days ago, but I was too busy to come 'round and post. :D So, here I am!
Firstly, I hope that you all have a wonderful 2010, and that all of your resolutions come to pass! (or that you at least make significant headway.) I'm in the middle of responding to tons of backlog in comments and posts, because I'm an exceedingly lazy person and haven't finished that yet.
Secondly, my resolutions! :D
1. Lose weight. Hopefully somewhere around twenty or thirty pounds.
2. Exercise more. Got the P-90X Exercise Workout Videos from D on my birthday, and we've yet to use them. *headdesk* In my defense, he got them for me right around the holidays, and I cannot possibly be expected to keep up with such a rigorous program around that time. I mean, really.
3. Write more. I have troves of original fic sitting on my hard drive, not posted nor completed. Also still owe several wonderful people fic from me, in a few different fandoms.
So, there we go. ;) Let's see if I'm able to keep this up! I'm just about done with replies to comments, etc. and have about an hour before TaeKwonDo tonight.
I love you all, flist, and once again HAVE A HAPPY NEW YEAR!! *snuggle-glomps*
P.S. - I have a new love, and that is Sherlock Holmes. *points to icon* These two make me smile. :) Any recs on great fic avec le H/W slash would be much appreciated. :D
real life