Like glass, a human heart is so weak;

Apr 02, 2010 20:42

I'm supposed to be doing research for a Bio project now, but whatever~ Is it just me, or is it only our class that has the bio project? O_O If so I will kill those sneaky teachers. Think they can just allocate more homework because we're "accelerated" D:

Haha, spent the day at Macs with my group members. Because Vanessa ended up being held up at some place with the throwers probably another lunch with that national thrower person she stalks/has an obsession with, so it was just me, Nithya (the loser who got locked out of school this morning, HAHA) , Jiaying and Yuelin ^^ We were supposed to try to finish it all today, but inevitably failed because 1) we had no laptop, 2) We spent our time asking Yuelin about the education system in China, 3) Who focuses when you're in the middle of Macs?

So when we got chased out we crossed the road to the playground. It had that really big spider-web like structure which took me like ten tries to get all the way up. Cajouled Jiaying into finishing my homework for me, lol, which we completed on the structure. I emphasize the "we" because I decided to make myself useful by helping her with calculations and holding the periodic table ^^

I think I've been getting lazier by the day. Seriously. I think it's because last time when I finished my homework I knew that at least three other people would copy off me, but now that no one wants to copy off me (why do that when everyone else is smarter, anyway) I just find no point in finishing it. Especially because the teachers seem to enjoy continually loading us with homework, and no one bothers to give a clear indication of when what's due.

Anyway, I need to get back to, let's see, more homework.

Just 4 months into 2010 and I'm already waiting for November and December.

lazyyyyy, 3c, awesomesauce

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