Jun 11, 2006 22:26
Class night: Boringgggg
Class Banquet: Hilariousss. Sitting at the important table prob made my night, and getting really good feedback/reactions on theclass history vid made me happy too. I had to edit that for over a week, thank god I finally finished it that morning, and there were still a few promblems. But the speeches, the toasts, everything (not the food) was soo much fun.
Prom: So I guess telling Sherryl that only the 14 in our limo were going to my house for pics wasn't the best idea, because when um...like everyone & their mom showed up, she was mad (if mad is translated from her fuming for not having food platters and drinks for everyone) :-) oops. And I really have to add that I had the best looking date. Maybe I can touch that mustuhd man, lol. And ofcourse after was wonderful as well. Because, if you didn't know, I love my class and how well we all mesh together. The lack of sleep wasn't good though..
And Arynne's grad party was crazy. I ate well.
3 days till grad. My dad leaves friday for 2 weeks to alaska.
Orientation friday and saturday.