This post is in order because until my entire f-list starts watching this best anime ever made I find it my responsibility to keep the world informed. So if you have been brainwashed by my marketing attempt and are interested to watch now or some time later, here is the guide which you will need (that I wished I had when I started).
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FSK - LOL I didn't know. I've never used it XD I believe it's R 17+ (and for good reason). I personally recommend, for the sake of the producers being fully appreciated R 30+. It's very understandable when everyone at first glance seeing that battle ships think it's Star Wars materials and for kids or teenage boys who love video games. And once you sit through the first season you look at your own first impression and laugh your head off going, "Star Wars my ass!" This shit is more depressing than Les Miserable, more intellectually demanding than quantum physics, and where the hell are the aliens and the fancy lasers and the space stuff? My first thought after 20% into it was, "Are they insane for even thinking anyone who watches the average anime is going to sit through 110 episodes of this?" It's like an anime version of Schindler's list that is made to be more brain-tumor inducing than the movie =_= So, no, it's more for you really (for us old moms to be precise XD) and the very fact that you *think* these men are so cute qualities you big time as an LOGH future fan, because, honey, the kids find them boring old men LOL *high five though*
But I would be most delighted to fangirl with your son over the Beautiful Brunhilde and Barbarossa!
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