I promised I would update on Fei Long's birthday, did I do good or not? XD So sorry for the unforgivably late update, but hey, at least I managed to get back into the fandom. I didn't have much time to edit so sorry for all the crappy stuff. I hope you all enjoy and join me wishing Fei a very happy birthday
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Asami getting the short end of the stick has been long overdue. The man is always portrayed as invincible and indestructible, and to me, there is nothing interesting about a man with no flaws. I have been itching so bad to see Asami in 3D (the man has been 1D since birth =_=) and write something that will make him realistic enough for me to like him. Asami actually has a lot of flaws in terms of keeping a relationship, and I feel that AxA could have such a heart wrenching love story if one takes into account the fact that Asami sucks so fucking much on how to properly love someone, at the same time, Aki is human and will never be able to tolerate this treatment to eternity. AxA trouble has to stop ending up with Asami fuck-fixing everything (he can try, but it shouldn't be accomplished the nth time)! I want to conclude this with AxA moving forward, Asami coming clean with Fei, and giving Fei the ending he deserves. I wish I had more time to write AxA.
You're not alone about Feodora. I like her story with Mikhail so much too that I have a few one shots in my head of them in the past when Mik hs yet to know Fei waiting to be written. LOL to Tao calling her mama! I'd want to see Fei when he sees Tao again so much. He'd be more like another Arbatov! And he needs to start worshipping a woman and getting far far far away from Fei's dreams!! *is still traumatized*. The damn boy will be fixed when all this is done. I am going to have Feodora hi-jack the damn kid from YA and turn him into something presentable and acceptable. As of now, he has no place in Fei's home!
All that Testosterone... I once told Del that is not a word to ue around me, I'm all weak in the knees now. *melts* I have a feeling she tops everyone in terms of testosterone level. And it was so much fun to imagine Asami thinking wtf is wrong with Mikhail? He has a thing for vindictive bitches or something? Both his wife and lover are making Asami grow cancer XD
I think Yoh had been the 1st on Mik's to kill list before he knew about AsamixFei, then he moved to second and 3rd. Although him teeming up with Feodora now will be a huge problem. They make such an appropriate pairing not to mention indestructible too!
Thanks for always being here to get me going. I hope to be able to update sooner than before!
*jaw drop*
You... You what??
YOU wish you had more time to write *AxA* !? WHAT IS THIS?? THE END OF THE WORLD IS COMING!!
I have a feeling she tops everyone in terms of testosterone level.
Sorry, but not possible :P Feodora wouldn't look so feminine if she had that much testosterone in her body - just ask my trans girlfriends :D
Although him teeming up with Feodora now will be a huge problem. They make such an appropriate pairing not to mention indestructible too!
LOL! First Asami, then Fei Long, now Mikhail... Looks like Yoh just can't help pissing people off by helping them in ways they don't agree with :P
P.s. now I go back to watching Revenge on Netflix XD
I want to disagree. Or rather, I want to point out that AU is not OOC. Your AxA is AU, yes, but not OOC. In fact, I see it as an example of what SHOULD be happening in canon, of what I was EXPECTING to see in PitA.
So basically, I see your AxA as being covered by the CWC tag as well ;) "Similar to canon until the end of NT, and then diverging wildly from PitA and the threesome and so on", is the definition of CWC, after all, and perfectly describes your AxA.
So AU, yes. But not OOC, so not "another couple with the same situation". This IS AxA - just one possible CWC!AxA.
Actually I was really scared I might get spanked for putting AxA through this. I'm glad it hasn't happened yet
Thank you!!
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