The Fae World: The Fae School: Kaylyn: Finding the School (part 2)

Jul 09, 2014 08:39

Part 1

There was a long silence. “Interesting,” Petunia finally said, studying Kaylyn. “I haven’t heard of that happening before, so I’m going to talk to Alder and you’re going to stay in here until I can work out some way of getting you to the dorms safely.”

“Will I be able to stop it from happening?”

“I hope so. As far as I can tell it should be something we can help with, but it’s not something I have any experience with. Normally students will see colours, or glitter, or something, they don’t often feel the magic.” Petunia bit her lip. “The only person I can think will is Alder, who should be in the magic room.”

“Alder?” Kaylyn stared at Petunia. “Isn’t he married to the Queen?”

“Yes, he is, but he’s also the magic teacher here until the end of the year. Then his son, River, will be taking over. Willow wanted someone here she could trust with the students who didn’t know that they had magic, which is why they’ve asked River to take his place, otherwise there wouldn’t be anyone here to teach someone like you.”

“Okay… it does seem strange to have someone in his position doing something like teaching.”

“Kaylyn, his position doesn’t make him any better than the rest of us and that’s why he took on the role of one of the teachers here. He wanted to show people that he wasn’t just an elder, or Willow’s consort, but that he was good at other things too, and one of those things is teaching.” Petunia smiled. “From what he’s been saying I don’t think he wants to leave, even though he wants River to take his place.”

“So he wants to stay teaching and leave teaching at the same time?”

Petunia nodded. “Fortunately he should be able to, but he just won’t be teaching at the school. Instead he’ll be doing a lot more travelling, which I think is one of the issues, because he really doesn’t like leaving Willow for too long, but he knows that River needs actual experience being a teacher.”

“More travelling?” Kaylyn sipped her water. “I’ve heard rumours, the same way I’m sure other people have, of safe ‘houses’ that have been created close to the borders of the places of magic, so I’m guessing he’ll be going to some of them.”

“Unfortunately they’re full of mixed bloods who don’t trust anyone who’s a pure blood and with him being an elder as well…” Petunia shrugged. “It’s just something he’s wanted to do since the beginning, when we first realised how many people we wouldn’t be able to help, but he hasn’t had a chance to before, so he’s going to take it, even though he is worried about Willow being on her own so much.”

“If she’s anything like my mother she’ll love having time to herself.” Kaylyn found herself biting her lip, even though she’d managed to put a stop to that habit years before. “Will I be able to see my parents and tell them what happened?”

Mirrored from K. A. Webb Writing.

character: kaylyn, character: petunia, world: earth, setting: the fae school, free fiction, collection: the fae world

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