The Fae World: Ava: Finding Out Ava Has Magic (part 3)

Jun 06, 2013 20:33

Part 1
Part 2

At first all Ava could do was stare at Esra. It was hard for Ava to believe she had an elder sister, especially as Esra appeared to be pure fae, but there she was, standing on the doorstep. Breathing deeply, Ava stepped back and gestured for Esra to enter the house. Nodding, looking as though she understood why she was being invited in, Esra stepped into the house. For a long moment Ava stood staring out into the street, trying to ready herself for the conversation she was about to have, before turning to look at Esra, who’d been joined by Fallon and Mabyn.

“Mum told you abut us?” Fallon asked, sounding as unsure as Ava felt, jumping slightly when the door closed.

Esra nodded. “When we came to Earth I went looking for her. She left Kalinia when I was six, leaving me and my siblings behind, and as I sometimes know things I knew I needed to find her. I had no idea why, because I only know that I have to do something. Unfortunately I can’t actually see the future, although my feelings have got a lot stronger in the time we’ve been here.” She sighed. “I found her and she told me about her children here, before disappearing again, but she never asked me to help you. I think she’d be happier if I hadn’t come here, because I don’t think she ever wanted us to meet, or for you to meet the others, but I don’t care what makes Mum happy. I care about you.”

“The others?” Ava asked, shock filling her voice again.

“Mum’s fae. The one thing the fae are really good at is having children.” Esra sounded angry. “So far I’ve met three other families, just like yours, three children left behind by the woman who was supposed to care for them, and there are three more to come. I don’t doubt that she’s having more children, even though she should never have been a mother.”

“We have nineteen siblings…” Ava shook her head. “I don’t want to believe you.”

“I felt exactly the same way when Mum told me she’d had more children when she came here.” Esra shrugged. “When I knocked on the first door I was hoping she’d been lying to me, but when the door was opened I realised I’d got there just in time and put out the fire one of the boys had accidentally lit with his newly acquired powers.” She looked at Ava. “And you have twenty siblings, so far. I have an older brother. His name is Alder.”

“Alder, as in the Alder who handfasted the Queen?” Mabyn asked, and Ava stared at her, surprised that her sister knew so much about the fae.

“Yes, the Alder who handfasted the Queen. If you feel up to it he would like to meet you, but his relationship with Willow means he has much less freedom than I do, so I’m the one who comes to the houses of our siblings and deals with the hard part.”

Mirrored from K. A. Jones Writing.

the fae world, my worlds, free fiction, fiction

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